Top six hotel search engines

With the hike in online hotel search business, finding and bagging the best hotel deals has become easy and quick. You need to enter the destination at such a hotel search website and you’ll be catered with an extensive list of all the relevant hotel deals available at the location. Following are some of the best hotel search engines:

Owned by Expedia, Trivago offers free as well as fee-based versions of hotel searching. Trivago provides an exhaustive list of 1mn hotels and 250 booking sites from around the world. Every hotel registered at Trivago is accompanied with reviews, rating, information, locality, etc. to allow customers to make the best hotel selection possible. Since 2008, the hotel finding service has witnessed double-fold profitability each year. Customers might soon find the convenience of booking Trivago flights via the online portal for hotel search.
The popularity of can be sized up with its Alexa ranking of 85 during February 2017. Available in over 40 different languages, the hotel search website provides over 1.2mn hotels and other properties across the planet. The hotel finding service is also available on Android and iOS devices as a dedicated app.
Formerly known as Hotel Reservations Network, allows travelers to book hotels via telephone in addition to making online reservations. The search engine has an extensive hotel inventory of over 325,000 hotels in more than 19,000 destinations. also provides reservations for condos and other types of commercial lodging. The hotel search engine offers a loyalty program dubbed Rewards. The program allows customers to claim discounts on most hotels available at

In addition to providing customers the ease of finding and comparing hotel prices, Hotwire lists airline tickets, rental cars, and vacation packages. Found in 2000, the hotel search engine is known for selling unsold travel inventory at heavily discounted prices. Hotwire features an extensive list of hotels across the planet.

Launched in 1999, LateRooms is one of the most popular hotel search engines. LateRooms provides a catalog of over 150,000 hotels across the world. The hotel search engine is available in six different languages, including German and Portuguese. Kicking off as a simple hotel directory service, the hotel finding service moved to online hotel booking in 2002 and since then, it has been providing some of the best online hotel booking deals to its customers.

Supporting an advertising business model, TripAdvisor is very popular among travelers for finding hotels at a specific location. In addition to hotels, the service also provides relevant search results about flights and restaurants for a specific destination. Thanks to its user-generated content and interactive travel forms, TripAdvisor is a one-stop shop for all travel needs.

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