• Beauty
    Best exfoliating face scrubs for younger looking skin

    If you are going after radiating and glowing skin, you must exfoliate your skin. There is no way around it. After all, it is exfoliation that helps in the making the skin look young and desirable. Adding exfoliation to your routine does a great deal to your skin, it improves the natural shedding process of the skin and encourages a healthier, smoother, more even toned and clearer skin. Exfoliation also prevents your skin from acne, reduces the size of your pores and allows your moisturizer blend into your skin.

    Let us look at some of the best exfoliating face scrubs for younger looking skin:

    Cosmedicine Medi-Morphosis Self-Adjusting Exfoliator
    The greatest achievement for a user of this face scrub is a 12% reduction in the size of her facial pores. It also goes by the nickname “grains with brains.” One review about this product states that the user can feel the air on her pores. The reason it is a part of the best exfoliating face scrubs is that it cannot over-exfoliate, the beads start to dissolve if that happens. However, this does not have any impact on the exfoliation required by the skin.

    The Body Shop Seaweed Pore-Cleansing Facial Exfoliator
    This exfoliator is perfect for women with oily skin. It helps the skin matte longer than any other exfoliator. It also effectively reduces the size of the skin pores while also leaving the skin with a glow at the same time. It also works perfectly for dull skin as said by one of its users. The face scrub is the perfect budget-buy. It is one of the most favorite scrubs while it only costs $13.

    Murad Aha/Bha Exfoliating Cleanser
    The users love this product as it does not leave any signs of redness or irritation. It is a part of the best exfoliating face scrubs as it clears all the dead skin cells in a single wash according to one user. The bonus for this product is its ability to get rid of face breakouts to a great extent. According to some reviews, it has a rating of 9.2 on 10.

    Clinique Exfoliating Scrub
    Some readers and users for this product have given it a rating of 10/10 with regards to its quick-result bearing nature. Some people say it gives results in less than two weeks of usage. According to some reports, it also has the highest number of exfoliating beads as compared to any other scrub. It also works towards getting rid of the dead skin on the face.

  • Beauty
    Top exfoliating face scrubs

    Most of us tend to stick to the same routine of cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen. But we leave and important aspect out of the cycle, which is exfoliating. Now that there are many exfoliating face washes it has become a lot easier to include it. But an exfoliating face scrub is very important to give your skin the right treatment it needs. A lot of women opt for a face mask or a facial, once in a while, to improve the way their skin looks.

    Exfoliating your face holds its own place and here is a list of best exfoliating face scrubs (in no particular order):

    • Clean and Clear Morning Bust Skin Brightening Facial Scrub
      Most reviewers have given excellent reviews for this face scrub and said that is leaves then with fresh and glowing skin. One reviewer also said she couldn’t believe it until she tried it and she was amazed to see the wonderful results. This is one of the reasons why it is a part of the best exfoliating face scrubs. Some women also liked the lemony smell that helped them wake up.
    • Bobbi Brown Bidding Grains for Face
      These scrubbing grains work best as they make a massive difference to how your skin looks and feels. It works best for dry skin and using it even once during the week, gives you great results for your dry skin. The exfoliator does not even irritate the skin like other exfoliators; some women also like to mix it with a creamy cleanser for extended results.
    • Astara Daily Refining Scrub
      A user says that you can actually feel your skin smoothing out as soon as you start using it. It not only makes the skin feel fresh but also does not make it overly abrasive and this is what makes it a part of the best exfoliating face scrubs. This product includes sand particles along with the natural ingredients, but no user has complained about them leaving any scratches. You must use it twice a week for best results, says the company.
    • Sircuit Skin Sir Activ Zeolite Invigorating Scrub
      This exfoliating face scrub is one of the best as it works wonders on oily skin. It not only makes the skin oil-free but also makes it smooth and soft. Along with its features, it is also known for its budget-friendly nature and is available for on $48. A great smell is what adds the cherry to the cake for the face scrub.
  • Beauty
    How to choose the best facial cleansers

    We live in times where there is an influx of all kinds of products, and facial cleansers are no different! Therefore, you will find a variety of skin care brands with the promotional claims of being the best! But while purchasing facial cleansers, you must scrutinize several things so that it doesn’t damage your skin in the long run. Here are a few factors that you should be mindful of when you pick a facial cleanser.

    Skin type Determining your skin type will allow you to narrow down the best facial cleansers. Some of the common skin types are

    • Normal Such type has a perfect amount of natural skin oils.
    • Dry This skin type can often come across as flaky, tight and rough.
    • Oily Even after washing the skin regularly, such skin type can easily retain its oiliness.
    • Combination This a blend of both oily, sensitive and dry skin.
    • Sensitive Such form of skin is easily affected by chemical solutions, i.e., after the application of a random soap or facewash, it can experience itching or stinging.

    One or multiple products When you discover your skin type you can begin shortlisting the best facial cleansers that are suitable for your skin. The need for multiple products will arise when there is a change in the season. For instance, during winters almost all skin types will need a moisturizing facial cleanser. Similarly, during summers, you might require mild to deep cleansing products. You can also opt for different cleansers for morning and before sleeping (for removing makeup).

    Ingredients Every consumer will have a distinctive approach towards choosing products, especially when it comes to the ingredients. For instance, for a person with normal skin, a basic cleanser loaded with chemicals works fine. On the other hand, for a person with an itchy skin has to avoid cleansers with drying agents. Nevertheless, it is a good habit to be aware of different elements and their influence on your skin. So, ensure that you check the ingredients label, especially if you have sensitive skin. You can find plenty of beauty blogs and consumer reviews to understand this part of the shopping process.

    If you still haven’t found the perfect match even after determining the right skin type, products, and formulation, then visit a dermatologist. There might be some specific reason why your skin is not responding to the products.

    Also, apart from using the best facial cleansers make sure that you keep yourself hydrated and have a healthy balanced diet.

  • Beauty
    5 facial cleansers for clear and flawless skin

    Did you know that your cleanser is the most important step in your skincare routine? The face is one of the first places to show signs of aging, and a neglected skincare routine can accelerate the process. Using the wrong facial cleansers can make your skin worse. Here we have listed the 5 best facial cleansers that will cleanse your face and improve your skin texture. Read on to know more:

    The right cleanser won’t strip away your natural oils but will help remove dirt, sweat, and oil without drying your skin. A great facial cleanser will unclog pores, reduce acne breakouts, and improve your skin texture. 

    Cosrx Good Morning Low pH Cleansing Gel
    The Cosrx Good Morning Low pH Cleansing Gel is a gentle, non-foaming cleanser suitable for sensitive or acne-prone skin. With a pH of 5.5, it won’t disrupt your skin’s natural pH but gently remove impurities, oil, and other buildups without stripping it of its natural oils. There’s no added fragrance so that it won’t irritate sensitive skin, and it contains ingredients such as Centella Asiatica extract and hyaluronic acid that reduce inflammation and promote healing. This cleanser also has a thicker texture, and it is easier to apply and massage into your skin and rinse off without using a washcloth or loofah.

    Neutrogena Fresh Foaming Cleanser
    Neutrogena’s Fresh Foaming Cleanser is an excellent choice for those with normal, oil, or combination skin. The cleanser is non-drying, dermatologist-tested, and formulated with ingredients such as glycerin and sodium hyaluronate to keep your skin hydrated and balanced. Neutrogena’s Fresh Foaming Cleanser is a great cleanser that doesn’t strip your skin of its natural oils but will leave it feeling refreshed and soft with daily use. This product also comes in a gel formula for oily skin if you prefer that over a foaming formula.

    Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser
    This is a great cleanser for sensitive skin. It is non-comedogenic and does not contain any harsh or irritating chemicals harmful to your skin. The Cetaphil Gentle Skin Cleanser is best for people with dry or sensitive skin because it does not leave your skin feeling dry or tight. Although this cleanser is excellent for sensitive skin, it might not be the best option for people largely with oily skin because it does not contain any blemish-fighting or oil-controlling ingredients.

    Innisfree Blueberry Fresh Facial Cleanser
    Innisfree’s Blueberry Fresh Facial Cleanser is a gentle cleanser perfect for all skin types, including sensitive and acne-prone skin. The cleanser is non-foaming and formulated with natural ingredients such as blueberry extracts and green tea extract that keep your skin hydrated and reduce inflammation and redness. The cleanser has a gel-like texture that’s easy to apply and massage into your skin. It also has a delightful scent and doesn’t irritate sensitive skin.

    Kokanee Natural Pure Face Care Cleansing Foam
    Kocanee’s Natural Pure Face Care Cleansing Foam is a gentle non-foaming cleanser for all skin types. This cleanser is fragrance-free and formulated with aloe vera leaf juice, jojoba oil, and Centella Asiatica extract that soothes irritation and redness and keeps your skin hydrated. Kocanee’s Natural Pure Face Care Cleansing Foam is an excellent cleanser for sensitive skin. This cleanser is non-drying and formulated with no added fragrance and will not irritate or worsen your sensitive skin.

  • Health and Fitness
    6 steps to attain relief from shin splints

    Every ardent athlete or runner might have at some point of the time been the recipient of some grave injury that might have restricted their movement for a while. Many of these injuries occur when one doesn’t take care of their body, or in a bid to exceed their previous performance pushes themselves to fulfill unrealistic expectations.

    Shin splints are one such injury that has runners confined to the bed for quite some time. Shin splints are caused due to a variety of reason, some of them are-

    • Holding a bad posture while running.
    • Running on uneven ground.
    • Running or exercising without stretching.
    • Wearing worn-out running shoes since it fails to provide the required support to the feet.
    • Running without giving oneself time to recover.

    In case you are suffering from shin splints; immediate treatment can work wonders for you. Here’s how you can cure shin splints by following these steps.

    • Rest– The first step demands that you rest. In case of an injury, every doctor will advise the person to rest. Resting allows our body to recover. Sleeping and resting allow our body to repair the wear and tear that it goes through the entire day.
    • Use cold compress– With injury comes swelling and excruciating pain. A cold compress is known to reduce the inflammation and ease the pain. So, keep an ice pack ready, and apply it to the affected area for at least 20 minutes. This is the second step to cure shin splints effectively.
    • Anti-inflammatory painkillers– Cold compress isn’t enough to get rid of the pain caused by shin splints. It is advisable to take anti-inflammatory painkillers to get you through the rough patch. Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory Drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc. are known to reduce the swelling and the pain as well.
    • Range-of-motion exercises– Once you gain movement in the leg, start range-of-motion exercises. They are known to improve movement and can help you get back on your feet. However, one needs to continue with these exercises even if the improvement is remarkedly more than what they expected.
    • Orthotics– If you are planning on resuming your exercise regime, instead of starting directly with your usual sprint, start walking instead. For such purposes, orthotics prove beneficial. Orthotics or shoe inserts can be customized to fit the feet, and it helps with arches that flatten or collapse when we stand up.
    • Physiotherapy– A professional advice is always welcome. Once you have recovered from the initial shock of the injury and can move around with limited ease, it is essential that you visit a physiotherapist. The therapist will know what you need.

    These 6 steps to cure shin splints will ensure that you can resume your favorite physical activity in no time.

  • Beauty
    Benefits of Estee Lauder advanced night repair

    Are you one of those people who have been dealing with issues under the eye? The skin around the eye area is extremely sensitive and tends to develop a variety of problems and issues like wrinkles, ageing and dark circles that make you look older than your age. There are umpteen skin products that are available these day to combat the above-mentioned issues, but choosing a good brand that works effectively to combat the problem is not easy. Majority of the cream wreak havoc on your skin and can irritate you skin too. This is when the name Estee Lauder comes into mind with their wonderful skin care products made from the best ingredients that have been proven to be extremely effective in combating these issues.

    Estee Lauderadvanced night repair

    This is one products of Estee Lauder that is worth a splurge as this has been found to work wonders for a variety of skin issues.This night repair skin will help to combat wrinkles and dark circles and other issues surrounding the eye area making you look younger and healthier.It contains:

    Anti-ageing serum: This product stimulates the skin’s ability to repair itself naturally overnight with the aid of its unique ChronoluxCB Technology which helps to make your skin look younger instantly.

    Repair Serum: Suppose you have been battling with problematic skin this wonderful product of Estee Lauder is a must for your skin care regime in the evening as it will help to repair your skin overnight.

    How to use?
    This serum is intended to be used before going to bed on skin that is cleaned of makeup and freshly washed. One needs to apply a few drops of the serum on the throat and face starting with the middle and then begin massaging outward. Keep massaging till the entire cream has been absorbed onto your skin. Once this has been completed, ensure that you apply your daily moisturizer into the skin. Normally, you can find a real difference within a month of using this serum regularly.

    Advantages of Estee Lauder advanced night repair

    • It is an oil free serum which makes it suitable for all skin types
    • It is also free of fragrance
    • It has been dermatologic ally and ophthalmologic ally tested safe which makes it all the more safe to use on even sensitive skin.
    • Since it is free of oil, it averts clogging of pores.
  • Beauty
    Estee Lauder revitalizing supreme cream gets down to the organic

    Have you been shopping and looking around for a good cream that will help you regain that glowing complexion and healthy glow of your skin back once more? One of the popular options you have in front of you in the market today is the Estee Lauder Revitalizing Supreme cream. This multi action cream helps to minimize the appearance of tell tale signs of ageing like wrinkles, dryness, fine line and dullness. This cream thus makes your skin more healthy and youthful taking years off your face like magic.

    Here are the main ingredients that go into the manufacturing of this cream.

    Barley Extract: This is an ingredient which has high levels of plant phytosterols along with linoleic acid that aids to protect and strengthen the skin. Barley extract is an excellent moisturizer and soothing agent that is guaranteed to replenish your skin naturally

    Bamboo Leaf: This extract is loaded with antioxidants that protect your skin from damage due to oxidative stress which automatically slows the process of aging. It contains traces of proteins and vitamins that help to nourish and replenish the skin naturally.

    Extract from Cucumber: This has wonderful cooling properties that helps to minimize inflammation and irritation of the skin. Rich in lipids, proteins, vitamin C and amino acids that is ideal to tighten your skin and minimize wrinkles.

    This is another ingredient which works to revert damage of skin that has occurred due to sun exposure. This ingredient also helps to minimize puffiness and eye bags to an extent.Other important ingredients include acetyl glucosamine, sodium hyaluronate and vitamin E.

    Benefits of Estee Lauder

    • Good news is that this is a skin care company that is well known and established since years.
    • The formula makes use of active ingredients which have been proven safe clinically and scientifically.
    • This wonderful cream is found to help to make the skin firmer and more youthful.
    • Disadvantages
    • The cream does not come with any money back warranty that most top brands normally offer.
    • It comes packed in a jar which means that exposure to light or air that can lower its effectiveness when the jar is opened each time.
    • There is no proof that this cream is effective to reverse ageing signs.

    The above-mentioned facts will help you decide whether you would like to try out this wonder cream that has excellent reviews.

  • Beauty
    Tackling under eye dark circles

    Are you a victim of puffiness and dark circles surrounding your eyes and have tried out all kinds of remedies with no effect? If you are not fatigued or not suffering from any serious disease, there is no need to panic even though, this does mar your complexion and beauty.
    ahead, to know more about this and how to get rid of these circles under the eyes via some simple under eye treatments:

    What triggers dark circles?
    There are many factors that can induce dark circles which include sitting on your laptop or computer for prolonged periods, ageing, extremely dry skin, mental or physical stress, sleep deprivation, crying for a long time, and hereditary factors as well.

    Listed below are some wonderful tricks and remedies that will surely help to reduce these dark circles naturally
    Various natural remedies to tackle dark circles.

    Almond Oil: Almond oil is excellent for your eyes. Massaging under the eyes with this oil for around fifteen minutes every day is found to work wonders for getting rid of dark circles beneath the eyes.

    Mint Leaves: Mint has umpteen medicinal benefits and they are also found to be effective in treating dark circles and puffiness under the eyes. All one needs to do is massage the eyes with juice of mint leaves and leave it on for some time. Mint juice is a wonderful cooler and proven to be miraculous in curing dark circles.

    Mixture of lime and tomato juice: A mixture of two tablespoons lime juice along with two tablespoons tomato juice is another excellent natural remedy for reducing dark circles under the eyes.

    Potato and cucumber juice: Mixing equal portions of cucumber and potato juice and applying it with cotton pad under the eyes works wonder to treat dark circles. Let this remain under the eyes for around quarter of an hour and wash off with cold water.

    Rose water: Application of rose water with a cotton ball is another excellent c coolant for curing pigmentation under the eyes.

    Turmeric paste: Prepare a paste of turmeric, tomato juice and lime juice. Apply this thickened paste on the area under the eyes and wait for it to dry. Wash off with clean water. It is one of the best natural cures for curing dark circles.

    All the above mentioned natural cures have been proven to work miracles and help you get rid of those ugly dark circles and puffiness that stands in the way of attaining a beautiful and blemish free complexion.

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