• Home and Garden
    7 ingredients that work as natural stain removers

    A spill here and there on your favorite t-shirt, rug, or any other fabric is so common. What is not so uncommon is knowing that there are, in fact, easy and natural DIY hacks to remove stains from items. Using expensive detergents is not always the answer, so for some minor stains and spillage, you can follow some easy hacks. Check out these natural ingredients that can be turned into stain-removing products!

    Baking soda
    This is an inexpensive and effective stain remover you can use every time you do your laundry. Add one tablespoon of baking soda to your laundry detergent and start your load. This baking soda mixes well with the detergent and is even known to boost the detergent’s cleaning properties. Not only that, but baking soda also helps keep the fabrics soft and reduces the occurrence of suds. If you have kids at home and you’re doing their laundry, you can safely add baking soda to their clothes for cleaning, as it is not harmful to sensitive skin. It also acts as a natural odor remover, which can help keep your laundry smelling fresh.

    Due to its acidic nature, lemon can act as a great stain remover. However, due to its acidic nature, you must be careful when using lemon on colored clothes. It can fade the color quickly if the lemon stays on for too long, which is true for lemon and lime juice. So it is advised to use the lemon hack only on white clothes. It works exceptionally well if you need to remove any yellow underarm or rust stains. Not to mention, lemon can add a fresh fragrance to the laundry!

    Distilled white vinegar
    This inexpensive ingredient can easily boost laundry performance and help remove stains. Just add a cup of distilled vinegar to the final rinse of the clothes while doing your laundry. Some people may use chlorine bleach for stain removal; however, distilled white vinegar is a safer and cheaper alternative. In fact, it’s even better than using apple cider vinegar because it will keep the fabrics soft and gentle. This is specifically used for removing any yellow underarm sweat, mildew, or even whitening or brightening the clothes.

    Hydrogen peroxide
    You spilled red wine on your shirt and are now wondering what hack to use. Hydrogen peroxide is the best solution. This is an oxidizing agent that is used as a bleaching agent. If you’re wondering where to get it, look no further and just ask your local store, which sells first aid kits. Three percent hydrogen peroxide is sold as a first-aid disinfectant, and you can also use this same product for your laundry. It is usually preferred over chlorine bleach because it is environmentally safer. It contains hydrogen and oxygen, which break down into water and oxygen, making it completely natural and human-safe. You can also remove underarm yellow stains from shirts and stains from nail polish or curry.

    This is a popular mineral that is a combination of sodium, boron, and oxygen, along with water. This mineral is known to boost the performance of any of the detergents it uses, so you can easily do a rinse cycle with borax and your regular detergent. Since this is a naturally occurring mineral with no toxic chemicals, it is also human and environment-safe, making it a preferred choice for many homemakers. One of the things to be careful of, though, is that if ingested, it could cause irritation to the skin, so always be careful. Because of its cleaning properties, this ingredient is used in almost all DIY natural cleaning remedies. It can also help soften hard water, remove poop stains from baby cloth diapers, and control bad odor.

    Talcum powder
    This ingredient is beneficial before your clothes go to the laundry room. If you’ve spilled something greasy or oily on your clothes, add lots of talcum powder, which can help absorb the oil. Of course, you must be quick with the remedy and add the powder to the stain immediately before the oil soaks in. You can even use cornstarch or chalk. Keep this on the stain for 10–15 minutes until it has absorbed the excess oil, and then you can wash the cloth; hopefully, the stain is not too big. While washing, you can even try adding some of the other ingredients mentioned above.

    Table salt
    Available in all households and easily accessible, table salt is another winning ingredient for natural stain removal. A red wine spill needs immediate attention, like putting lots of table salt on the stain before it sets in. Let the salt absorb the excess liquid, then leave it on for 10–15 minutes. Once that is done, you can brush off the table salt and wash your clothing. Remember that you cannot skip washing your cloth, as the table salt will leave white stains on the fabric if not washed immediately. The salt works as a gentle abrasive element and helps remove rust stains, so you can also try this remedy for rust stains.

  • Home and Garden
    Top 7 time-saving cleaning hacks

    Maintaining a clean and organized home is visually appealing and essential for the inhabitants’ overall well-being. A neat living environment promotes good hygiene, reduces the risk of illness, and creates a sense of calm and tranquility. That said, the task of cleaning can often feel overwhelming and time-consuming. That is where cleaning hacks come in handy. You can streamline your cleaning routine by implementing a few smart strategies and time-saving techniques.

    This article will explore five effective cleaning hacks that will revolutionize how you approach cleaning.

    Create a cleaning schedule
    One of the most effective ways to save time on cleaning is to create a schedule for it. Planning and dedicating specific days and times for different cleaning tasks ensures that every task is completed without feeling overburdened. A neat and organized residence enhances its aesthetic appeal and contributes to a healthier living environment. Regular cleaning helps eliminate dust, allergens, and bacteria, reducing the risk of respiratory issues and allergies. Furthermore, a clean and clutter-free space promotes mental well-being, allowing you to focus and relax. With a well-planned cleaning schedule, you can efficiently maintain cleanliness, leading to a healthier and more balanced lifestyle.

    Do little by little
    Plan to do the cleaning jobs for a short period; otherwise, it will tire you. Set a timer for the fixed duration and start working towards decluttering and wiping as much space as possible. Plan the room to be cleaned and complete it there first, without flitting between different areas. Do the vacuuming or mopping as the last task.

    Gather your supplies in one place
    It is possible to dramatically reduce the time required to clean by storing all your cleaning materials in a single, conveniently accessible location. Put together a cleaning caddy or use a bucket to collect all necessary products, such as an all-purpose cleaner, microfiber towels, scrub brushes, and gloves. You won’t have to waste time searching for materials throughout the various rooms of the house if you do it this way. In addition, give some thought to employing cleaning chemicals that are adaptable and can be employed on a variety of different kinds of surfaces. By doing this, you won’t have to hire professional cleaners with specialized skills, saving you both time and money.

    Use the two-minute rule
    The two-minute rule is a productivity principle that can be applied to cleaning tasks. The idea is to tackle small tasks immediately if they can be completed in two minutes or less. Following this rule can prevent small chores from piling up and becoming overwhelming. Instead of procrastinating and letting clutter or minor cleaning tasks accumulate, take a few moments to address them immediately. Whether it’s wiping down a surface, putting away items, or tidying up a specific area, the two-minute rule helps you maintain a cleaner and more organized home in a time-efficient manner.

    Optimize your cleaning techniques
    Finding efficient cleaning techniques can significantly affect the time it takes to complete a task. For example, when dusting, start from the top and work your way down to prevent dust from settling on already-cleaned surfaces. Use microfiber cloths instead of paper towels, as they are more effective at picking up dirt and can be reused. Additionally, consider using cleaning tools with extendable handles to reach high and low areas without needing a step stool or bending over. These small adjustments can save you time and effort during your cleaning sessions.

    Delegate and simplify
    Cleaning doesn’t have to be a one-person job. Involving other house members in the cleaning process lightens your workload and promotes a sense of shared responsibility. Delegate age-appropriate cleaning tasks to children or assign specific chores to your partner or roommates. By dividing the cleaning duties, you can save considerable time and create a more efficient cleaning routine. Additionally, simplifying your living spaces by decluttering and finding effective storage solutions can significantly reduce the time you spend tidying up the areas. Removing unnecessary items and organizing your belongings makes cleaning faster and creates a more visually appealing and stress-free environment.

    Make the room smell fresh
    Maintaining a pleasant-smelling living space is also part of cleaning. Use non-toxic room fresheners. Place scented absorbent papers in the bottom of waste bins to prevent leakage and smells from emanating.

    Keeping your home clean is important for your physical and mental health. With the above five cleaning hacks to save time, you can change the way you tidy up the rooms and get more leisure time. Making a cleaning schedule ensures that jobs are spread evenly and keeps you from getting too busy. If you keep your cleaning supplies in one place, you won’t have to waste time looking for them. Choosing versatile cleaning products will help you avoid buying too many specialized ones. By eliminating clutter and organizing, you can make your living areas easier to clean and create a more peaceful environment. With these tips and tricks, you can keep your home neat and arranged while saving time and living a better and more balanced life.

  • Bathroom
    12 easy bathroom cleaning tips to try today

    With frequent use, the bathroom can accumulate germs and bacteria, increasing the risk of health conditions like urinary tract infections and salmonellosis. Hence, bathroom cleaning is a crucial everyday household chore. Luckily, the market has various products and equipment that facilitate easy cleaning and improved hygiene in the bathroom. Besides using these products, you can try home remedies to eliminate dirt and germs. Here are some bathroom cleaning tips for a spick-and-span bathroom.

    Use a pumice stone to remove hard stains
    Hard stains spoil the bathroom’s appeal and are often difficult to remove. One helpful way to eliminate them is by rubbing them with pumice stones. Remember, the toilet bowl and the area around it are more prone to accumulating bacteria and germs over time and are typical hotspots for hard stains. You can use a pumice stone to clean these areas and remove stubborn stains.

    Use different sponges for every surface
    A sponge is an excellent absorbent of dust, bacteria, and other tiny particles. But using the same sponge to clean different surfaces only transfers the accumulated dust from one place to another. To avoid this, use different sponges for cleaning different bathroom surfaces.

    Clean the toothbrush holder regularly
    According to a study by the National Sanitation Foundation, the toothbrush holder is the third grimiest and germ-filled area in a home. Toothbrushes are typically wet when placed into the holder after use. Consequently, they tend to drip inside the holder, causing it to become a breeding ground for germs and bacteria. Hence, cleaning the toothbrush holder should be a regular part of your sanitation routine.

    Use vinegar and baking soda to unblock the basin
    Many homeowners purchase expensive bleaches and call plumbers frequently to unblock the basin or sink. However, it is unnecessary to spend on the process, as vinegar and baking soda can do the trick. To try this remedy, pour half a cup of vinegar into the sink, followed by half a box of baking soda. Then plug the drain and hold it in place till the fizzing stops. Next, pour some boiling water into the sink after half an hour if required. This is a hassle-free, time-saving, and cost-effective method to unblock the sink drain.

    Use different cleaning products for different surfaces
    Each bathroom surface has a different texture and, thus, a distinct cleaning requirement. For example, mild cleaners work best on bathtubs and tiles, whereas abrasive cleaners work best to remove scum or mold on durable surfaces. Avoid using abrasive cleaners on delicate surfaces like glass, plastic, and ceramic.

    Wipe cleansers immediately from surfaces
    Spray-and-go cleaners are highly effective in removing dirt from surfaces. However, leaving them on for long can cause them to turn sticky and accumulate bacteria and germs. To avoid these issues, wipe off spray-and-go cleansers within two minutes.

    Use lemon and baking soda for the toilet bowl
    The key to a spotless toilet bowl does not lie in expensive cleaning products on the market shelves. Mixing lemon (or vinegar) with baking soda forms a highly acidic solution. This solution can remove hard stains and bacteria accumulated in the toilet bowl and even the sink or bathtub. As mentioned, you can also use a pumice stone to remove stains in the bowl.

    Remember to clean the exhaust fan
    The exhaust fan helps eliminate foul smells and purify the air. However, it does the opposite when unclean, blocking air from passing through the duct and leading to mold and mildew in the bathroom. So, do not forget the exhaust fan the next time you begin cleaning the bathroom.

    Wash the shower curtain
    The shower curtains are often neglected during the bathroom cleaning process. Since the bathroom contains high moisture levels, mildew and mold may accumulate over their surface. Hence, experts recommend washing shower curtains at least four times a year.

    Clean the toilet brush thoroughly
    Not cleaning bathroom equipment can result in the accumulation of bacteria and germs over them, making the cleaning process futile. The toilet brush should be soaked in a bleach or ammonia solution for an hour, preferably after every cleaning session.

    Clean the corners
    The corners of the bathroom trap large proportions of dust and dirt; hence, cleaning them is essential to facilitate a spick-and-span bathroom. When cleaning the corners, use narrow brushes with long handles that can easily maneuver through small spaces.

    Avoid cluttering the bathroom
    Clutter leads to confusion and chaos, which can make cleaning cumbersome. So, organize your bathroom products and de-clutter the space before cleaning. As you clean, dispose unused of products that take up unnecessary space on the shelves.

    Today, many cleaning brands offer discount coupons on their products to attract customers and ensure cost-effectiveness. Clorox is one such brand with safe and practical solutions to facilitate a clean and germ-free bathroom. Some of their best products include the Automatic Toilet Bowl Cleaner, the Disinfecting ToiletWand® Disposable Toilet Cleaning System, and the Clorox Clinical™ Germicidal Cleaner + Bleach. You can save considerably by signing up for Clorox bathroom cleaning coupons. These can be accessed by creating an account on the official Clorox website.

  • Lawn
    9 easy lawn care hacks to save time

    A lush green lawn forms an excellent first impression of a home in the eyes of guests and visitors. It also performs several practical functions, such as erosion prevention, flood control, and air cooling during summer. However, caring for and maintaining the lawn is essential for reaping these benefits. Lawn maintenance need not be a cumbersome task. Here are a few clever lawn care hacks to save you time and effort.

    Replace the traditional lawn mower with a mulching one
    Traditional lawn mowers toss mulch onto the lawn or into a bag, where the waste accumulates until disposed of. In contrast, mulching mowers cut the grass blades finely and deposit them back onto the surface, which helps keep the lawn moist. They also offer a hassle-free and efficient waste-disposal solution, saving you time.

    Use basic kitchen ingredients for pest and weed control
    The solutions to pest and weed control lie in your kitchen! It might be hard to believe, but simple ingredients can save you time and money while being highly effective in protecting your lawn. For example, a solution of white vinegar mixed with a cup of salt and a tablespoon of liquid dishwashing detergent can curb the growth of weeds. Alternatively, you may sprinkle some salt on weed-prone areas or pour boiling water over the weeds to destroy them. Corn gluten meal is commonly used to prevent crabgrass from growing in lawns. Furthermore, coffee grounds may be sprinkled across the lawn to ward off pests instantly. Placing plastic forks and cutlery in the garden may also deter pests.

    Prepare compost at home
    Compost can considerably increase the nutritional value of the soil and the quality of plants and crops grown on the lawn. It can also reduce the need to spray excessive fertilizers on plants. While many purchase compost from stores, you can create it at home by installing a compost bin. All you have to do is add biodegradable waste to this bin. It could be fruit and vegetable peels, paper, grass blades and clippings, coffee grounds, or even sawdust. The bin will turn the waste into mulch for your lawn over time. As a result, you save time disposing of waste and the money you would spend on purchasing compost.

    Sharpen mower blades
    Sharp mower blades reduce the number of attempts taken before the grass is mowed. It is among the most clever lawn care hacks that can save you considerable time and effort and ensure effective lawn maintenance.

    Seek professional help when required
    Caring for the lawn is a time-consuming, albeit rewarding, process. If you are preoccupied with work or household chores, hire a professional to maintain the lawn rather than neglect the space. Although professional lawn care services may require you to spend a certain amount, it is a better choice than leaving the lawn unattended for long periods.

    Spread a bed sheet over plants for frost protection
    Many homeowners bring potted plants indoors during frost. If you find it challenging to accommodate plants indoors due to space crunch, cover them with a blanket or bed sheet. But use this technique only during severe frost, as the lawn’s visual appeal may be lost if constantly concealed. Alternatively, you can cover plants with Styrofoam cups. It is a popular frost-protection technique used in certain parts of the country. Use this hack in less windy conditions, as these cups may not be resilient to winds.

    Avoid overwatering plants
    Like underwatering can deprive plants of essential nutrition and stunt their growth, overwatering can also harm their development. It can cause the leaves to turn yellow and lead to stunted plant growth, requiring significant effort to rectify later. Of course, overwatering could also increase your water bill. An inch of water every week is sufficient for lawn grass to thrive.

    Use a thick layer of newspaper to destroy weeds
    A quick hack to eliminate weeds at their incipient stages is to destroy them with a thick layer of newspaper. Moisten the newspaper and position it over the weeds so no sunlight seeps in. The weeds should be successfully destroyed within two weeks. This technique is time-saving, as you need not wait till the weeds grow to destroy them.

    Use drip irrigation
    Drip irrigation is an effective method to conserve water and ensure regular watering even when you are away from home. It does away with the need to find someone to tend to the lawn in such situations. Drip irrigation systems are also affordable and easy to install. They supply water directly to the roots, ensuring healthy growth.

    Besides following these clever lawn care hacks, knowing the best practices for effective lawn maintenance is essential. For example, lawn grass requires intermittent deep watering. Shallow watering or watering at extremely frequent intervals can give rise to plant diseases and stunted growth. Fertilizers should also be used only as much as required (preferably natural and DIY fertilizer feeds). Finally, opting for professional lawn-mowing services is a good idea if you are a novice or require help maintaining your lawn or garden.

  • Home Improvement
    13 easy home improvement hacks to try today

    Embarking on a home improvement project can be both exciting and daunting. By tapping into your creativity, you can transform various rooms and objects in your house, giving them a fresh new look. The home improvement hacks we’ve listed here will help you achieve remarkable results while saving time, money, and effort. They’re easy to follow, whether you’re a seasoned DIY enthusiast or a novice looking to spruce up your living space.

    Create an illusion of space with mirrors
    An easy and effective way to make a room feel more spacious is to place mirrors in it strategically. Mirrors can instantly enhance the perceived size of any room by reflecting natural light and creating an illusion of depth. Consider installing a large mirror opposite a window or incorporating mirrored tiles into your backsplash to amplify the impact.

    Paint the walls
    Paint is a cost-effective tool that can completely transform the look and feel of a room. For example, you can opt for lighter shades to make a small room appear larger or experiment with bold accent walls to add a touch of drama. It all depends on your preferences and needs. Use a chalkboard or magnetic paint for added functionality in the kids’ rooms.

    Upgrade the cabinets
    Want to update your kitchen or bathroom on a budget? Just touch up the cabinet hardware. Replacing outdated knobs and pulls with stylish and modern alternatives can give your cabinetry a fresh and contemporary look. This simple change can breathe new life into the entire space.

    Incorporate smart home technology
    Smart home technology can streamline your daily household routines, so incorporate it into your renovation design if you haven’t already done so. Programmable thermostats, intelligent lighting systems, and home security cameras will not only enhance comfort, energy efficiency, and security but also add aesthetics to the house. What’s more? Smart home technology lets you remotely control various appliances and systems from anywhere!

    Revamp the entryway
    You can enhance your home’s curb appeal by revamping the entryway. A fresh coat of paint on the front door or an addition as simple as a stylish doormat can instantly elevate the appearance of the exterior. You can also consider adding potted plants or installing outdoor lighting to create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

    Upgrade the bathroom
    You don’t have to break the bank to transform the bathroom. Tiny changes like replacing outdated faucets, showerheads, and towel bars with modern alternatives can make all the difference. If you have a bigger budget though, consider re-grouting the tiles, applying a fresh coat of paint, or installing a stylish mirror to add a touch of luxury and sophistication. These changes can instantly uplift the look of the space.

    Embrace open shelving
    Open shelving is among the most reliable home improvement hacks for maximizing storage and adding character to the house. You can install floating shelves in the living areas to organize books, plants, and decorative items while creating a visually appealing display. Removing cabinet doors to display glassware or chinaware can also add a touch of sophistication.

    Harness the power of lighting
    Well-planned lighting can significantly impact the ambiance and functionality of any space. You can install dimmer switches to adjust the lighting intensity according to your needs and strategically place mirrors or light-colored surfaces to reflect and amplify natural light.

    Repurpose and upcycle
    Give old furniture or decorative items a new life by repurposing or upcycling them. You can sand, paint, and reupholster worn-out pieces to match the existing décor. Some people love experimenting to find unconventional uses for specific items. For example, a vintage ladder can be turned into a bookshelf, and a wooden block from a fallen tree in the backyard can become a coffee table.

    Prioritize organization and storage
    Investing in smart storage solutions can help you to maintain a clutter-free and organized home. Under-bed storage bins, wall-mounted shelves, and organizers like cascading hangers and drawer dividers are excellent space-saving storage options. You can create a more functional and visually appealing living environment by prioritizing organization.

    Fill up the nail holes
    Exposed and unused nail holes in the wall can ruin your home’s aesthetics. So, cover them with unused crayons or a towel, or get creative by drawing artwork around them. Alternatively, reuse the holes to hang a new painting that goes well with the wall.

    Repurpose old wellies into charming planters
    Instead of throwing away old, worn-out wellies or boots, convert them into planters. These weathered footwear pieces can add a touch of charm and character to the garden or outdoor space and reduce waste. Simply fill them with soil and plant your favorite flowers or herbs!

    Exploit underutilized areas
    Consider transforming underutilized areas in the house into storage spaces or reading nooks. If you have the budget, hire a skilled handyperson to help you access hidden places within the house. The expert can help you design and construct storage compartments in underutilized areas, such as wall corners, garage ceiling rafters, attics, crawl spaces, or under stairwells, maximizing available space. It will offer a long-term storage solution tailored to your home’s layout and requirements.

  • Home and Garden
    9 easy ways to eliminate garden weeds

    Weeds are every gardener’s nightmare. These intrusive plants compete with desired vegetation for vital resources and can hinder the overall health and aesthetics of one’s garden. While chemical herbicides are commonly used to combat weeds, they often come with environmental and health risks. In this article, we will explore natural and eco-friendly methods to control weeds so one can maintain a healthy and vibrant garden without compromising on other aspects of life.

    Use mulching technique
    Mulching with a few inches of organic material prevents weed from contacting the soil, inhibiting germination. The mulch also blocks sunlight, preventing existing seeds from sprouting. Organic mulches offer weed control, moisture retention, soil enrichment, and aesthetic benefits, enhancing the overall appeal of your garden or landscape.

    Corn gluten meal
    This acts as a seed contraceptive, restricting the germination of weed seeds. Applying it to open areas of one’s garden can prevent weeds from growing. However, one should keep in mind that corn gluten meal may also hinder the germination of desired seeds. So it’s best to avoid using this method in a vegetable garden.

    Hand weeding
    Manually pulling out the unplanted plants by hand is another traditional method of eliminating weeds. Taking them out along with roots ensures that the weeds do not grow out again. The task requires one to dedicate some time, effort, and some level of skill. To prevent weed seeds from spreading to one’s garden beds, it is important to wear specialized gardening gloves. One can also utilize tools like claws or sharp trowels to loosen the soil where the weeds have taken roots. This method ensures a weed-free garden and avoids the need for chemical herbicides.

    Apply vinegar
    One can spray household vinegar to the weeds and use as a natural weed killer. This technique however requires careful application since the vinegar can affect both unwanted plants and desirable ones. To avoid harming nearby plants, it is best to apply the vinegar in the early morning when there is minimal wind. Additionally, one can choose a cloudless day to ensure that rain does not wash away the vinegar before it has a chance to be effective. One can also consider using highly concentrated vinegar for quicker results.

    Layering newspaper
    To create a weed-free garden bed, one can use recycled materials like newspapers or cardboard. The first step to employ this technique is to wet the newspaper and cover it with mulch. Then lay the papers on the soil to smother existing weeds and prevent new ones. The thick layer blocks sunlight and stops weed seeds from sprouting. Prior to laying the material, make sure to remove visible weeds and moisten the soil. This method also attracts earthworms that can be beneficial to the soil.

    Boiling water
    One can eliminate unwanted weeds by pouring boiling water carefully over each weed. The intense heat of the boiling water damages the foliage, plant cells, and roots of the weeds, thus thwarting their growth. Some persistent weeds may require multiple applications, but they will eventually die out. However, one needs to be careful with this process. It’s best to use pot holders and wear long pants and shoes to avoid injury in case of accidental spills.

    Flaming method
    This is a targeted approach to single out the weeds. In this method, one uses a flaming torch that heats up the water inside the plant cells until they burst and the plants wilts. The technique, however, requires extreme caution. One needs to choose a day without wind to avoid accidentally harming nearby grass or plants. Also, it is best used in places where there is no nearby vegetation, such as the driveways or gaps in a concrete sidewalk. It is important to note that flaming should never be used in regions prone to fires, to prevent any potential hazards. This method works well for young and tender weeds. Matured and rooted weeds may require multiple treatments.

    Using a landscape fabric
    Landscape fabric is another popular tool that can combat weed growth. The modern fabric acts as a barrier and minimizes weed competition for space while allowing air and water to pass through to the desired plants. For optimal weed suppression, one needs to lay the fabric from border to border with minimal cuts or openings. Be very careful with the placement and maintenance of the fabric, and also inspect it from time to time to ensure its effectiveness.

    Sprinkling salt at the base
    This is another technique where a small amount of salt is sprinkled at the base of each weed. Salt dehydrates the unwanted plants by absorbing water from their cells and alters the pH and mineral balance in the soil. This causes the weeds to dry out, get starved of nutrients, and eventually die. While the technique is useful, one can opt for this as a last resort since it can leave the soil unsuitable for months. Even if one decides to use the technique, one needs to be careful to not use excessive salt or spill it on to the plants one wants to keep.

    All these techniques promote sustainability. If none of them yield the desired results, however, one can consider contacting a local extension office or city government for guidance on natural weed killers and their safe usage in weed control.

  • Construction
    14 floor and foundation repair methods for a sturdy base

    It is impossible to imagine sleeping comfortably on beds or walking about one’s home without floors and foundations. Failing to repair damages in the floor or foundation of a structure can result in problems like water seepage, framing issues, and deep wall cracks. Thus, one must repair such damages through tried-and-tested methods to avoid further deterioration and ensure habitable conditions. Here are some common and effective floor and foundation repair services and methods:

    Steel pressed piling
    In this process, steel piles are inserted into the ground through a hydraulic ram, which is a cylindrical water pump powered by hydropower. In some cases, hollow steel piles are filled with concrete to provide additional support to the piles and alleviate the risks posed by erosion. Steel-pressed piling is simple, hassle-free, and effective and is typically not time-consuming.

    Slab jacking
    Slab jacking refers to elevating one side of a concrete slab from below. This process results in re-leveling of the slab and typically takes some hours to complete. Nowadays, polyurethane foam, as opposed to mud or concrete, is the preferred substance used to raise concrete in the slab-jacking process. Slab jacking requires specialized equipment and should be undertaken only by professionals with considerable experience in the activity.

    Crack sealing
    Sealing cracks is a temporary solution to the foundation and floor damage. Adhesive sealants are typically used to fill up the cracks on the pavement surface. However, crack sealing should not be a permanent resort; it is an effective method to prevent further damage until other permanent procedures like steel-pressed piling are employed.

    Soil modification
    Soil modification is a process in which gaps in soil layers are filled with chemical substances to facilitate soil stability and stiffness. The process is similar to slab jacking; however, it requires considerable expertise and should be carried out only by trained professionals. Moreover, it is more expensive than other foundation-repair methods and requires high maintenance.

    Resin insertion
    This is a type of grouting used for repairing underground pipes or tunnels. This process is used to repair cracked concrete surfaces, particularly those caused by water leakage. However, the cost involved in this process is considerably high; therefore, it is usually not employed to fix shallow or pattern cracks. As a temporary solution, crack sealing is a more economical method to fill up cracks.

    Gravity filling method
    This technique is among the most basic crack-filling methods, wherein gravity-filling machines fill gaps in floor surfaces. These machines have basic designs and are easy to use, contributing to the popularity of this technique. Furthermore, gravity fillers do not employ a recirculating mechanism and do not require expertise.

    Concrete pressed piling
    In this process, deep holes are drilled into the structure to be repaired, then filled with concrete, reinforcement, and, sometimes, precast concrete piles. This procedure involves low costs and does not require heavy equipment. However, avoiding this procedure as a long-term solution for cracked floors and foundations is advisable.

    Steel piers
    While installing steel piers is an excellent long-term solution, it is relatively expensive and is avoided by individuals with strict budget limits. The procedure involves inserting galvanized steel posts deep into the earth, allowing it to penetrate the foundation and reach the bedrock. The procedure may be carried out in any soil condition and is durable.

    Poured concrete piers
    Here, a deep hole is dug underneath the foundation and filled up with wet concrete. These concrete piers may be used in different soil conditions and are bell-bottom-shaped for additional support.

    Shimming involves shims, or small pieces of steel or other material, stacked until the stack attains the desired height. Shimming is a common process used to fill gaps in foundations and floors. These shims are durable and provide considerable support to foundations; hence, they effectively facilitate long-term foundation repair.

    Micro-topping treatments
    These toppings are made of thin layers of polymer-modified concrete containing sand. They are applied to brushes or trowels and typically dry quickly; thus, this technique is time-saving and popular for foundation repair. However, the resulting texture of the surface depends on the expertise with which the micro-topping is applied to the floor. Typically, one can begin walking on the treated surface after about 42 hours from the time of application.

    Stamped concrete surface treatments
    This procedure is commonly employed to treat external as well as internal floor surfaces. A thin layer of stamped concrete is applied to an existing slab, and a stamping tool is then used to texture the stamped concrete layer, ensuring that the layer resembles brick or tiled surface. A coat of concrete sealer is applied as the final step.

    Dry packing
    Dry packing involves manually placing a mortar with low water content, followed by ramming the mortar into place. The low water content ensures that the surface is durable and prevents shrinkage.

    Helical piers
    Helical piers, also called screw piles or anchors, are installed to repair fragile foundations and support weak structures. These piers may be used to repair various types of damage, including cracks on interior plaster walls, uneven floors, leaning chimneys, and popping up of nails on the ceiling. They may also be used to repair industrial floors.

  • Home Cleaning
    8 cleaning tips for a spotless home

    Our physical and emotional health depends on maintaining a tidy and orderly home. However, it can be a difficult and stressful chore if you need to know where to begin or how to clean effectively. We’ll review everything you need to know to make cleaning a breeze, including tips. Read on to learn some easy and practical cleaning tips to help keep your house tidy and healthy, whether you’re a cleaning specialist or just getting started.

    8 cleaning tips that will make your life easier
    Maintaining a clean and orderly home can be difficult, especially if you have a large family or are extremely busy. However, using these six cleaning tips, you can make the process simpler and more effective.

    Use a cleaning caddy
    Keeping your cleaning products in one location is easy with a cleaning caddy. This simplifies transport and eliminates the need to travel back and forth to gather supplies.

    Clean from top to bottom
    Starting at the top of the room and working your way down will prevent dust and other particles from falling into already-cleaned areas. Additionally, minimizing needless cleaning saves time.

    Use a microfiber cloth
    Unlike conventional fabrics, microfiber cloths are better at catching dust and dirt. They are more sustainable because they are also recyclable and environmentally friendly.

    Wash the bathroom rugs
    Bathroom rugs are one of the hotspots of bacteria. They should be washed every two to three weeks. Look for washing instructions on the label of the rug, and wash the rug following those instructions. Laundry rugs can usually be washed with a mild laundry detergent.

    Get rid of clutter
    Clutter can elongate and complicate the cleaning process. You may save time and reduce the hassle of cleaning by setting items away and decluttering your environment each day for a few minutes.

    Use baking soda and vinegar
    These natural cleaning solutions are good at removing stains and odors. They are a more environmentally friendly choice because they are non-toxic and safe for the environment.

    Sanitize the garbage can
    The trash can get pretty dirty even if you use the liner bag. It is important to clean it properly. Start by emptying the can, then remove any food particles or garbage pieces you see at the bottom of the can. Then move on to thoroughly rinsing the can. After the can is rinsed, scrub the can using a disinfectant spray. Rinse again and dry.

    Clean as you go
    Prevent the accumulation of dirt and mess. Spills and blemishes should be cleaned up as soon as they occur to prevent subsequent difficulty in cleaning. In the long term, this saves time and effort.

    The importance of a clean place
    Not only is it pleasing to the eye to have a clean and organized place, but it is also beneficial to our physical and mental health. Addressing cleaning tips is necessary for the following reasons:

    Reduces the risk of illness
    A messy and cluttered home can be a breeding ground for bacteria, germs, and allergens that can lead to various health issues. Decluttering and cleaning the house lowers the risk of illness. You and your family may stay healthy by doing routine cleaning and disinfection tasks.

    Enhances indoor air quality
    Poor ventilation in homes can lead to worse indoor air pollution than outdoor pollution. Pollutants, including dust, mold, and others, can gather in the air and harm respiratory systems. The indoor air quality can be improved with routine dusting and cleaning.

    Reduces stress and anxiety
    Mess and clutter can lead to stress and anxiety, harming one’s mental health. A neat and organized home can encourage calmness and relaxation.

    Creates a welcoming environment
    A clean, well-kept home makes an excellent first impression on visitors. It can raise its worth if you intend to sell your house.

    Maintaining a clean and orderly home is crucial for productivity, well-being, and health. Regular organizing and cleaning can make your home more cozy and inviting for you and your family to enjoy.

    You can make cleaning less of a chore and more of a breeze by implementing the above-mentioned cleaning tips into your regular practice. You’ll save time and energy, and your home will appear cleaner and more organized.

    Cleaning essentials: A must-have for everyone
    You’ll need a few essential cleaning items to make the job quicker and more effective. The following are some indispensable cleaning items you ought to keep on hand for effective cleaning:

    Multipurpose cleaner
    An all-purpose cleaner is a multifunctional cleaning agent that may be applied to various surfaces in your house. It is perfect for cleaning surfaces, including countertops, sinks, etc.

    Vacuum cleaner
    A vacuum cleaner is needed for cleaning floors, carpets, and upholstery. A model with attachments for cleaning difficult-to-reach spaces like nooks and crevices is what you should seek.

    Mop and bucket
    Floor-cleaning equipment such as a mop and bucket is necessary. Choose a mop that is simple to use and has a replaceable or washable detachable head.

    Scrub brush
    Use a scrub brush to clean grout, tile, and other difficult-to-clean surfaces. Choose one that can remove difficult stains by having firm bristles.

    Although it can be difficult, maintaining a clean and orderly home is crucial for a comfortable and healthy living space. You can make cleaning quicker and more effective by implementing the cleaning tips mentioned above.

    You can keep your home clean and organized and reap the advantages of a comfortable and healthy living environment with little effort and persistence. 

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