• Health and Wellness
    13 foods that help improve dry skin

    The skin performs several vital functions, like protecting us against harmful substances and controlling our temperature. However, being the body’s outermost layer, it is susceptible to damage by dust particles, UV rays, and other external agents that cause dryness and breakouts. Hydrating the skin is one way to remedy such issues and achieve healthier, better-textured skin. Here are a few nutritious foods that can increase moisture and prevent dry skin.

    Avocados are packed with vitamins A, D, and E, which help moisturize the skin and protect it against damage caused by the sun’s UV rays. It also has biotin, an essential element for skin hydration. Avocado guacamole is the perfect accompaniment to snacks like nachos, breadsticks, and crostini. One can also spread a layer of the fruit over toast for a scrumptious breakfast.

    Fatty fish
    Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, and anchovies are rich sources of omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate the secretion of oil in the skin and keep it hydrated. Studies have shown that DHA, one of the three types of omega-3 fatty acids, is essential for the skin. Fatty fish contains DHA in sizable proportions and should, therefore, be a part of one’s meals to enhance skin texture and elasticity.

    Our bodies need proteins to produce optimal collagen, a compound that enhances skin elasticity and hydration. Besides being excellent protein sources, eggs are high in sulfur and lutein. Sulfur is an antimicrobial and keratolytic element that helps hydrate the skin, while lutein increases skin elasticity. One may enjoy boiled or scrambled eggs or prepare a wholesome omelet for a protein-rich breakfast.

    Individuals with dry or chapped skin may be deficient in zinc. Oysters are among the richest sources of this mineral, with three ounces containing nearly 32 mg. Oysters are also protein-rich, so they can ensure overall skin health and prevent dryness.

    This tangy citrus fruit is packed with vitamin C, which increases collagen production in the body and helps maintain skin texture. One may have oranges directly or in the form of fresh orange juice (preferably vitamin C-fortified).

    Cucumber is among the best foods to improve dry skin. The high water content in it helps moisturize the skin considerably. Cucumbers also contain silica and vitamins A and C, crucial in collagen production. This versatile vegetable may be had directly or incorporated into juices, salads, and soups.

    A handful of walnuts contains 2.5 grams of omega-3 fatty acids, which regulate the skin’s oil secretion and enhance its texture. Walnuts are also high in vitamins A, B5, and E, which brighten the skin and facilitate skin suppleness.

    Turmeric has curcumin, the compound that gives this spice its yellow-orange color. Curcumin is found to have anti-inflammatory properties, which can accelerate the process of eliminating dead skin cells, thus hydrating the skin and preventing dryness. It also contains properties that help manage skin breakouts.

    Sweet potatoes
    Sweet potatoes contain high levels of beta-carotene, which turns into vitamin A in the body and aids clear skin. Beta-carotene also helps produce healthy skin cells, enhancing overall skin health and texture. Moreover, sweet potatoes are rich in vitamins C and E, which the body requires to boost collagen production and defend itself against damage from external agents.

    Yogurt, a natural probiotic, helps maintain a healthy gut, essential to prevent skin conditions. It replenishes the skin with calcium, which aids in producing sebum, a natural sticky, oily substance that prevents the skin from drying out. Yogurt also has vitamin B, which acts as a natural moisturizing agent for the skin. Finally, it is a rich protein source, contributing to optimal collagen production.

    Watermelon is known for its high water content that helps with skin hydration. The fruit also has vitamins A, C, and E, which are essential for skin protection, hydration, and enhanced collagen production. A bowl of diced watermelon or a glass of fresh juice (without added sugar) is the perfect start to the day!

    Like watermelon, beetroot is exceptionally high in water content, with water accounting for 87% of its constituents. It is also rich in vitamin C, which boosts collagen production and maintains skin texture. One may include beetroot in daily recipes like salads, soups, smoothies, juices, and stir fry.

    Soy is an excellent vegetarian source of protein, which the body requires for collagen production. It also contains isoflavones that help preserve the body’s collagen levels. Further, soy milk contains iron, calcium, fiber, folic acid, and B vitamins, all of which are essential for skin health and texture.

    Besides incorporating these best foods to improve dry skin into the meal plan, one should limit sugary foods and beverages, as they can cause excessive skin glycation and lead to premature skin aging. Staying hydrated is also crucial to ensure glowing, supple skin. It is recommended that women and men drink 3.7 and 2.7 liters of water daily. Furthermore, investing in a good moisturizer is essential to retain skin moisture and texture. Finally, one should apply good-quality sunscreen even while indoors during the day to protect the skin from the harmful effects of UV rays.

  • Health and Wellness
    Top 10 benefits of staying hydrated

    The adult human body is made up of at least 60% water. And growing up, we’ve been told to drink lots of water to maintain the level of this liquid to stay healthy. But many people often wonder about what is genuinely received from drinking water. Individuals should note that there isn’t just one but several benefits of staying hydrated daily. Therefore, here are the ten positives one could expect from drinking enough water daily.

    Joint lubrication
    Sometimes people feel like their joints’ cannot absorb shock effectively and experience mild or severe pain in this region. The symptom is a potential indicator of dehydration, which may result from insufficient water. Therefore, by drinking enough water, one could ensure that the cartilage found in joints and disks stays lubricated, which may keep it free from complications.

    Saliva and mucus creation
    Drinking sufficient water each day may result in the production of saliva and mucus. These properties help digest food and moisten the nose, eyes, and mouth. Saliva and mucus also help prevent friction of these organs and avoid damage. Furthermore, water consumption helps keep the mouth clean and prevents tooth decay.

    Regulate body temperature
    When an individual drinks water, some of it gets stored in the middle layers of the skin. The liquid then rises to the skin’s surface as sweat when the body heats up. As sweat evaporates, the process cools the body down, which helps maintain optimal body temperature. However, the lack of ample water in the body may produce less sweat, resulting in a rise in heat storage. The phenomenon could make an individual less tolerable to heat strain, which could affect them physically, especially during strenuous activities.

    Prevent headaches
    Individuals are often susceptible to health conditions like headaches, including migraines. While there are many underlying causes of migraines, they could stem from the lack of proper hydration. So when an individual drinks ample water, it may help relieve these symptoms.

    Complements digestive processes
    There are several elements to digestion. The body is susceptible to other uncomfortable symptoms like bloating, heartburn, and gas without proper hydration. Improved fluid intake could help break down soluble fibers to keep the digestive process regular.
    And so drinking water also tackles constipation, a common problem that complicates bowel movements, resulting in a limited ability to pass stools. And while one could resort to treatments to improve their condition, experts may also recommend increasing daily water intake. Higher amounts of healthy fluid in the body may relieve constipation and help one pass stool. One should consider drinking mineral water, as this is rich in magnesium and sodium, which is essential in improving bowel movements and consistency in people with constipation.

    Improved brain performance
    Studies show that even mild dehydration may affect aspects of the brain, such as memory, concentration, reaction time, and mood. Therefore, one could ensure their body stays hydrated, which is essential to improve brain performance. Drinking sufficient healthy liquids like water could contribute to stabilized emotions, improved cognition, and tackles feelings of anxiety. Staying hydrated could be crucial for older adults at a higher risk of dehydration and impaired cognitive function.

    Better energy levels
    A dehydrated individual may suffer from deteriorated blood circulation, which could reduce oxygen flow to the brain. The lack of healthy fluid may also compel the heart to work harder to pump oxygen to all body parts throughout the day. These situations result in extensive loss of energy, which could make one feel sluggish, tired, and lose focus. Therefore, by drinking enough water daily, an individual can maintain their energy levels, essential to indulge in various tasks. Drinking sufficient water also reduces oxidative stress that usually occurs during high-intensity exercise.

    Prevention of kidney stones
    Clumps of mineral crystals that develop in the urinary tract are known as kidney stones. Those who develop these stones may experience symptoms, including severe pain in the back or side that does not go away. Other symptoms include blood in urine, fever, chills, and vomiting. So one of the benefits of drinking ample amounts of water is the prevention of these kidney stones. The water helps dilute the concentration of minerals in the urinary tract, which could reduce the chances of its formation. Drinking sufficient water also helps flush out unhealthy bacteria from the bladder, which is necessary to prevent urinary tract infections (UTIs).

    Enhanced detoxification
    The human body produces harmful toxins and removes them as waste material eventually. The properties are flushed through one’s breathing, bowel movements, urination, and perspiration. Drinking enough water could help support the body’s natural cleansing process, which enhances the detoxification process.

    Maintain healthy pounds
    Most individuals are habitual in snacking in between meals which may increase the number of pounds they gain. So drinking water throughout the day may help them feel full in between meals, which could prevent such unhealthy snacking. Studies also indicated that staying hydrated may help boost metabolism. Furthermore, increasing water intake could help one reduce and balance other harmful properties in the body, such as cholesterol, sodium, saturated fat, and sugar.

  • Health and Wellness
    15 unhealthy habits that can cause teeth damage

    People often develop bad habits like biting their nails and overeating sweets without realizing the potential harm they can do to their teeth. These habits can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other severe dental problems that cause pain and discomfort. Here, we discuss a few such unhealthy habits that damage the teeth. By being aware of these habits and altering them, you can extend the longevity and health of your pearly whites.

    Using the teeth as tools
    Using your teeth as tools to open bottles, tear packages, or break hard nuts can cause significant damage. These actions can chip or crack the teeth, damage dental work, and cause jaw problems or gum bleeding. Always use the appropriate tools for these tasks and protect your teeth.

    Biting the nails
    Nail biting is a common habit associated with stress and anxiety. Besides damaging the nails, it can harm teeth. The constant pressure exerted on the teeth from nail biting can lead to tooth fractures, misalignment, and jaw problems. Finding alternative stress-relieving activities can help break this habit.

    Using a toothbrush with hard bristles
    A toothbrush with hard bristles may seem to provide more efficient cleaning, but long-term use can cause the enamel to erode and make the teeth more sensitive to damage. Gentle toothbrushes not only do the job of cleaning well but also support dental health.

    Chewing ice and hard objects
    Chewing on ice, pens, or hard candies can cause tiny cracks in the teeth, leading to significant problems over time. These habits can also damage existing dental work, like fillings or crowns. Avoid chewing on hard objects to protect your teeth from unnecessary harm.

    Consuming acidic foods and drinks
    Acidic foods and beverages like citrus fruits, sports drinks, energy drinks, vinegar, and carbonated drinks can weaken and erode the enamel, making the teeth more susceptible to decay and sensitivity. Rinse your mouth with water after consuming acidic foods and wait at least 30 minutes before brushing to minimize the effects of the acid content.

    Playing sports without mouth guards
    Engaging in contact sports like ice hockey, football, lacrosse, or boxing without wearing a mouth guard puts your teeth at risk of injury. A sudden impact on the face can result in broken or knocked-out teeth. Wearing a properly-fitted guard can protect your teeth during such activities.

    Skipping flossing
    Irregular flossing is among the most unhealthy habits that damage the teeth. Brushing alone cannot reach the tight spaces where food particles and plaque accumulate. Flossing helps remove these substances, preventing tooth decay and gum disease. So, make it a habit to floss daily to maintain optimal oral hygiene.

    Using excessive whitening products
    Teeth whitening products can enhance your smile, but excessive or improper use can be dangerous. Research shows that these whitening products usually contain hydrogen peroxide, an ingredient that can weaken dentin—the protective layer of the teeth below the enamel. Consult a dentist before using products or practices to whiten your teeth at home.

    Ignoring dental issues
    Neglecting dental problems like tooth decay, gum disease, and tooth sensitivity can worsen the condition over time. On the other hand, prompt dental care can prevent further damage to the teeth and gums.

    Delaying or skipping dental check-ups
    Regular check-ups are crucial for early detection and prevention of dental issues. Dentists can detect the early signs, provide professional cleanings to remove plaque and tartar, and offer personalized advice for maintaining healthy teeth. Delaying or skipping these appointments can worsen oral problems, and you would require extensive and costly treatments later on. Experts recommend check-ups and cleanings every six months.

    Overconsuming staining foods and beverages
    Frequently consuming deeply pigmented foods and beverages like coffee, tea, and berries can stain your teeth over time. Brushing or rinsing the mouth after consuming these items can minimize the staining effects. Additionally, professional teeth whitening treatments can help restore the natural brightness of your smile.

    Frequent snacking
    Snacking throughout the day, especially on sugary or starchy foods, exposes the teeth to a constant acid attack. Each time you eat, the bacteria in the mouth produce acid that damages tooth enamel. To avoid this, limit snacking on these items and opt for healthier options like fruits, vegetables, or nuts.

    Using toothpicks incorrectly
    Toothpicks can help dislodge food particles stuck between the teeth. But instead of forcefully prying or jabbing them between your molars, use gentle strokes. Interdental cleaners can also safely remove trapped debris.

    Teeth grinding
    Teeth grinding is the habitual grinding or clenching of the teeth, often during sleep or stress. The excessive force exerted on the teeth while grinding can affect the enamel, lead to jaw pain, and weaken the teeth gradually.

    Thumb sucking
    Thumb sucking is a common habit among infants and young children, as it provides them with comfort and security. However, prolonged thumb sucking can have adverse effects on dental health. The continuous pressure and suction on the thumb can cause misalignment of the teeth and jaw, leading to an open bite or an overbite. It can also affect teeth growth and speech development. If thumb sucking persists beyond the age when permanent teeth begin to erupt, parents should encourage their children to break the habit gradually to prevent long-term dental problems.

  • Health and Wellness
    Best and worst foods for managing eczema

    Eczema, also referred to as atopic dermatitis, is a group of skin conditions that develop due to inflammation. Symptoms develop on the surface of the skin, causing irritation, itching, and redness, among other issues. The condition has no cure, but one can manage eczema by making healthy lifestyle choices and undergoing appropriate treatment. This includes adding and limiting certain foods and beverages to prevent flare-ups of eczema and improve overall health. 

    Best foods
    Foods rich in omega-3s
    Fatty fish like salmon, tuna, mackerel, seabass, sardines, and herring are the best sources of healthy omega-3 fatty acids that have excellent anti-inflammatory properties to counter eczema flare-ups. Omega-3s help fight and manage chronic inflammation, helping reduce the frequency of flare-ups. Vegetarians and vegans can get this nutrient from avocados, edamame, algae, fresh seaweed, assorted nuts, and seeds like chai, hemp, flax, and walnuts. Nutritionists might also recommend fish oil, cod liver oil, krill oil, or special plant-based ALA supplements for vegetarians and vegans. Doctors may recommend changes in meal plans depending on the severity of the inflammation that triggers eczema symptoms.

    Fresh fruits and vegetables
    Free radicals that damage healthy cells also increase the intensity of inflammatory responses when dealing with conditions like eczema. So, it is necessary to include fruits rich in a compound called quercetin, which has anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants to prevent and fight free radical damage. Apples, assorted berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cranberries, oranges, and grapes are all rich sources of quercetin. Free radical damage can also be countered by introducing potent flavonoids in daily nutrition. Flavonoids contain anti-inflammatory properties to fight a number of skin infections and prevent cell damage. Tomatoes, red peppers, soybeans, broccoli, kale, spinach, and cauliflower are all potent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant-rich veggies to add to daily meals.

    Foods with probiotics
    Gut health affects overall immunity and functions required for supporting metabolic activities that govern the body. An imbalance in healthy gut bacteria can trigger serious flare-ups associated with skin disorders like eczema. So, it is necessary to add foods with probiotics like yogurt, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, tempeh, kombucha, and kefir that naturally boost gut health. Probiotics counter inflammation and prevent flare-ups from worsening the symptoms of eczema. Those who are lactose intolerant can consider dairy-free probiotics like apple cider vinegar and fermented pickles or vegetables to boost gut bacteria.

    Sources of vitamin-D
    Vitamin deficiencies are also cited as one of the known triggers of skin inflammatory flare-ups. For example, vitamin D helps the body absorb calcium and counter inflammation to boost skin healing for known disorders. Fortified snacks and breakfast cereals, orange juice, and egg yolks are also good sources of vitamin D. Additionally, controlled exposure to sunlight can help boost vitamin D levels in the body to prevent vitamin D deficiency.

    Worst foods
    Eliminating certain foods and beverages can also help lower the risk of eczema flare-ups. Here are foods to avoid when dealing with the skin condition:

    Gluten-based products
    Gluten is a protein found in whole grains that some may find difficult to digest. It is one of the top food intolerances diagnosed among children and adults and can further increase the risk of skin disorders like eczema. If one notices a reaction or rash on the skin after eating wheat-based products, it can be a sign of gluten intolerance, which can trigger symptoms of eczema.

    Dairy and eggs
    Those who are lactose intolerant or even sensitive to dairy should avoid products like milk, cheese, or yogurt simply as they will be unable to digest these items. Further, lactose intolerance increases the risk of inflammation linked to skin disorders like eczema. Some people may develop an allergic reaction to eggs in addition to being lactose intolerant.

    Tree nuts
    Tree nuts like peanuts, almonds, pecans, cashews, and even walnuts are common food allergens. Nut allergies can trigger a serious inflammatory response that worsens inflammation in those already dealing with a skin disorder like eczema. Visible rashes or hives that develop upon even just one single nut are signs of inflammation, indicating one is allergic or sensitive to nuts.

    Soy-based foods
    Soy or soy-based condiments are also common food allergens, and those with eczema may want to avoid such foods to prevent flare-ups. Normally, those who are lactose intolerant switch to soy-based foods and beverages. However, soy allergies are also common these days, and most store-bought foods, beverages, and condiments used in daily cooking are laced with some form of soy additive or preservative. Soy allergies develop early among young children and can worsen as one grows.

    Citrus fruits
    While fruits like oranges and grapefruit are healthy additions to daily meals due to their vitamin C content, one can develop an allergy to their peels or skins. Here, direct contact with the peels of limes, lemons, and oranges can trigger skin inflammation. Dryness, redness, itching, and a burning sensation are the immediate symptoms one may observe. So, when dealing with eczema, one should limit or avoid citrus fruits. 

    Major changes in daily nutrition should be discussed with a doctor or a certified nutritionist. Eczema is a sensitive skin disorder, so a doctor can recommend appropriate treatment and lifestyle changes to relieve symptoms and manage the condition.

  • Health and Wellness
    10 foods that may trigger skin irritations

    Skin irritation can occur for several reasons, like sunburn, insect bites, sweat, or dryness. Another common reason for your skin feeling itchy is food intolerances or allergies. This can happen when your immune system does not respond well to certain foods you have eaten. From seafood to dairy products, different foods can cause problems in different people. Here’s a list of some of the common foods that can make your skin feel irritated.

    Soy is a type of legume found in foods such as edamame, miso, soymilk, and tofu. Those who are allergic to soy usually experience skin inflammation and irritation. Sometimes, one can also develop hives, a skin rash that appears as small, raised, red bumps, which can be quite itchy. However, these symptoms are experienced only in infancy and childhood. Soy allergy typically appears when one is young but usually goes away by the time they reach adulthood.

    One of the most common foods that may trigger skin irritation is milk. This is quite different from lactose intolerance, which causes digestive problems. It is generally observed in children who are allergic to cow’s milk, breast milk, or even milk from other mammals, such as buffalo, sheep, and goats. Skin irritation is often followed by symptoms such as hives and wheezing. Sometimes, there can be abdominal cramps, loose stools, and colic in infants.

    Certain proteins found in peanuts trigger an immune response in some individuals. Because of this, the immune system erroneously identifies the proteins as harmful. Therefore, indirect or even direct exposure to peanuts causes the immune system to react badly. As a result, there is skin irritation and swelling. In some cases, a person may also experience shortness of breath and digestive problems. Sometimes, exposure to peanuts can result in anaphylaxis, a life threatening allergic reaction.

    Fish that have a shell-like exterior or a hard shell are categorized as shellfish. These include lobsters, squids, oysters, crabs, and shrimps. You may experience skin irritations after eating shellfish due to a certain protein present in it called tropomyosin. This protein triggers the immune system leading to symptoms such as skin rashes, itching, and hives. However, not all types of shellfish trigger skin irritation. You may experience allergic reactions to only some shellfish and need to avoid only those.

    Tree nuts
    Almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts are all grouped as tree nuts. These are basically whole nuts. These are different from peanuts, which come under the category of legumes. Allergies to tree nuts often cause symptoms such as skin irritation, which can lead to hives in severe cases. Other symptoms include itching in the throat, eyes, and mouth. If you are allergic to tree nuts, make sure you look carefully for them in the ingredient list of processed foods, butter, and oils.

    Wheat allergies are not the same as celiac disease, which is also triggered by the consumption of wheat-based foods. While celiac disease is an autoimmune disease, wheat allergy is triggered by a protein found in wheat. It is observed that those who have eczema or asthma are more prone to having allergic reactions to wheat. Foods such as baked goods, bread, pasta, and processed foods can cause skin irritation and itching.

    Finned fish
    Allergy to finned fish is less common than that to shellfish. However, you may experience irritation, itchiness, and hives on their skin when you eat any type of finned fish. These include cod, eel, halibut, pollock, salmon, snapper, and tuna. In addition, allergic reactions may also occur due to consuming fish-based food items, such as caviar, omega-3 supplements, and gelatin. However, it is not necessary that if one type of finned fish causes an allergy, another type will as well.

    Another common food that may trigger skin irritation is eggs. Not all parts of eggs trigger this allergic reaction. For instance, you may experience allergic symptoms due to the egg yolk, or you may have allergic reactions due to the egg white. In either case, it is the protein in the eggs that trigger skin irritation, inflammation, and itchiness. So it is important to watch out for eggs in the ingredient list of foods, including baked goods and processed foods.

    Tomatoes do not cause allergic reactions on their own. However, it is the cross-pollination, i.e., pollen that is transferred from grass to the tomatoes, that causes allergies. It is generally observed in those who are prone to seasonal allergies, and a tomato allergy can cause hives, rash, and irritation in the skin. In some cases, it can also cause oral allergy syndrome (OAS), which leads to an itchy mouth after eating a tomato.

    If you are allergic to other foods, there is a high probability that you may be allergic to sesame as well. The symptoms include skin irritation, itchiness, and mild skin rash. Usually, sesame is used as a seed, paste, and oil while cooking. You can also find it in remedies, cosmetics, and pet food. However, sesame is not always listed as an allergen. So make sure to read food labels and ingredient lists carefully.

  • Health and Wellness
    7 common side effects of insufficient water intake

    Over two-thirds of the human body is made up of water in different forms. This lifesaving liquid is essential for maintaining a delicate balance of fluids for circulation. Water also helps the body flush out toxins to boost immunity. Any fluids that the body loses during the day must be replenished with water—at least 8 glasses of it per day. This is because not drinking enough water can lead to the following issues:

    Dry skin
    Premature aging is one of the known side effects of insufficient water consumption. Water is necessary for the body to produce collagen and elastin, two of the most vital compounds that make up skin cells and help maintain overall health. When not hydrated enough, the skin loses its sheen, texture, and softness as it dries out. Even moisturizing may not help restore the texture once the damage is done. Drinking the recommended amount of water helps maintain skin health and keeps it supple. Hydration mainly helps fight three major signs of skin damage: breakouts, dryness, and wrinkles.

    The circulatory system needs water to maintain the blood flow and consistency necessary for optimal blood pressure. Reducing daily water intake affects this pressure and blood flow. Low blood pressure, in turn, makes it difficult for the body to get the fresh oxygen absorbed by the lungs. This affects organ health and causes fatigue, as the body desperately tries to preserve the energy and forces multiple organs to function at a reduced capacity. This also impacts overall metabolic activities that govern vital functions and boost immunity, as without water to flush out toxins from the body, one is also at an increased risk of illnesses.

    Poor oral hygiene
    Dehydration causes the mouth to dry out as the body is unable to produce the saliva required for maintaining oral hygiene. Lack of saliva makes it easy for bacteria to grow and multiply rapidly in the crevices of the teeth and gums. These lingering bacteria increase the risk of oral problems like bad breath, cavities, and teeth yellowing. Bacteria can also invade the gums and trigger infections that affect the roots of molars requiring treatment. All these problems can be easily avoided by drinking water regularly. Of course, the level of water intake can vary from person to person, but if one experiences dry mouth, it could be the first sign of dehydration. So, one should not ignore warning signs.

    Constipation and urine infections
    Water is also critical for regulating bowel movements. Without sufficient water, the digestive tract will be unable to allow the smooth movement of waste, resulting in constipation. Here, the hardening of stool increases the risk of internal injuries in the large intestine and colon, along with the discomfort that constipation causes. The kidneys also need water to purify the blood and get rid of toxins through urination. When one does not have enough fluid intake, the toxins in the urine can irritate the urinary tract and increase the risk of infection here.

    Throbbing headaches
    The brain cells are made up of nearly 70% water, and major brain functions rely on a delicate balance of electrolytes found in water. Dehydration can cause headaches to develop and persist, making one experience throbbing pain. Without water, the blood becomes thicker, leading to a drop in blood pressure and an inability to properly supply fresh oxygen to the brain. This can lead to confusion and dizziness as the brain struggles to function normally. Severe dehydration also leads to impaired focus, judgment, and mood swings that affect the daily routine.

    The body needs to maintain a proper core temperature at all times. Sweating is one of the ways in which the body cools down without relying on external cooling. Here, sweat glands release water from the skin pores in an effort to lower the body temperature externally. Not having enough water during the day triggers a fluid deficiency making the glands unable to produce sweat naturally. This triggers a chain reaction, causing an alarming increase in body temperature. So, being dehydrated for a long period increases the risk of developing fever-like symptoms brought on by an irregular change in body temperature.

    Fluid imbalance
    Cells and tissue that make up vital organs require a mix of electrolytes and chemicals to control electrical impulses. Even a slight reduction in daily water intake can trigger sensory discomfort that impacts the taste and important functions regulated by the brain. Dehydration also causes the blood pressure to drop, meaning vital organs are not receiving fresh oxygen via circulation. Further, kidneys rely on water to help the body flush out all toxins. So, a side effect of insufficient water consumption increases risk of crystals and stones forming in the kidneys. A fluid imbalance further increases the risk of muscle cramps as there is not enough blood circulating within the body to support physical activity.

    Drinking enough water also helps overcome hunger pangs. It also prevents triggering an imbalance in blood sugar levels, as being hydrated lowers the risk of overeating, helping overcome sugar cravings to supplement low energy levels. Further, getting enough water promotes better digestion and improves metabolism to support vital body functions.

  • Health and Wellness
    Three popular variants of electric toothbrushes available online

    When it comes to maintaining that beautiful smile, you will do almost anything to ensure that your pearly whites enjoy a combination of the best products in oral hygiene. Your personal dental hygiene preferences will influence your decisions of the kind of toothpaste to the type of toothbrush you want to use for your daily routine. Everything matters, right from the strength of the bristles on the brush to its layout. Nowadays, electric toothbrushes are mostly in demand as the circular motion of the bristle head provides a thorough cleaning action in comparison to a regular toothbrush.

    Keeping your preferences in mind, dentists recommend regular use of the following electric toothbrushes that you can purchase online.

    Philips Sonicare DiamondClean
    Sonicare has a pressure sensor that activates when you apply too much force to brush your teeth. It stops the brush from damaging your gums and saves your enamel coating from excessive erosion due to an improper technique of bushing. Philips also features a smart timer that shuts the motor off at a calculated preset time, which varies depending on the various brushing modes. Its comfortable and intuitive design ensures a pleasant brushing experience. The DiamondClean variant is expensive, being priced at approximately $180, in comparison to the other popular brands of electric toothbrushes available online.

    Oral-B Genius Pro 8000
    If you have sensitive teeth, the Genius Pro 8000 is a better option. The toothbrush has an oscillating bristle movement effective in cleaning your pearly whites without putting too much pressure on the molars. You can change the settings to suit your preferences. Oral-B Genius Pro also has a reliable timer and is compatible with many types of brush heads. On the downside, the toothbrush can put pressure on the gums often during brushing. The Oral-B electric toothbrush also comes with a tag of approximately $140 and is available online.

    Philips Sonicare for kids
    Philips ensures a fun and engaging way to make brushing interesting for kids with the Sonicare variant. The electric toothbrush is designed for small hands so that children can hold it comfortably. The toothbrush also has a transition feature with a timer that gradually manages the intensity of the brushing action. The electric toothbrush is available online on popular e-commerce websites like Amazon for approximately $40.

    Philips Sonicare 2 and Oral-B Pro 1000 get a special mention for similar features and pricing; also, they are available across popular online stores.

  • Health and Wellness
    3 excellent stethoscopes for respiratory therapists, doctors, and nurses

    A stethoscope is one of the basic medical devices that a doctor needs to use every day and one of the most essential ones without any debate. The right stethoscope ensures that a doctor is able to hear clear and vivid sounds of the heart and the lungs. This plays an important role in diagnosing and treating the patients. The key factors to consider before choosing a stethoscope is price, comfort, acoustic clarity, and reliability.

    Below are the three excellent stethoscopes for respiratory therapists, doctors, and nurses.

    3M Littmann Classic III Stethoscope
    This is one of the best stethoscopes that one can opt to use on an everyday basis. It is available at a great price as compared to others in its class. Along with a great price, this stethoscope ensures great sound quality as well. The two-sided chest piece allows one to listen to the heartbeat and examine the lungs of both adults as well as of infants, children, and adolescents. Also, it is quite convenient to clean as the surface is smooth and contains no crevices. The stethoscope’s tube is quite durable, flexible, and comfortable to wear around the neck and keep even in a pocket.

    Omron Sprague Rappaport Stethoscope
    This is the cheapest stethoscope available on the list. It is the perfect choice if one is planning to purchase a stethoscope for the first time or starting their own medical practice. It offers a unique feature of dual tubing which is not found in any other stethoscopes in the list. Along with the stethoscope, two sizes of diaphragms, three sizes of open bells, two pairs of extra ear tips, and a vinyl storage case are provided when this stethoscope is purchase. It does not provide the best acoustic sound; however, it is decent enough to get the job done. This stethoscope is the best option for the nursing students or newly practicing doctors that are on a budget.

    MDF Rose Gold MD One Premium Dual Head Stethoscope
    The aesthetic appearance of the MDF Rose Gold MD One Premium Dual Head Stethoscope makes it even more appealing than it already is. It gets the job done as well as offers great functionality. This stethoscope works well in picking up both low as well as high frequencies with the help of its dual head. For anyone who wants to give an overall luxurious appeal to the clinic and get the best stethoscope at the same time, this stethoscope provides both.

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