• Dental Care
    Dental implants – Components, types, and benefits

    Oral hygiene practices like brushing and flossing are incredibly essential. Not caring for the teeth can cause them to decay and even fall off in extreme cases. Consequently, missing teeth can make chewing food complicated and cause extreme discomfort. To manage the problem, dentists affix dental implants in the jawbone that replace the lost teeth. Here is a quick guide on how implants work and their popular types and benefits.

    How do dental implants work?
    A dental implant effectively works both as a root and a tooth. The three components of a dental implant are:

    • The implant
      The implant is placed carefully into the jawbone using surgery. It is made of biocompatible titanium, which means that, once placed into the jawbone, it will integrate with it gradually over three to six months. This is a slow but effective process called osseointegration.
    • The abutment
      This is a component used to attach the implant to its restoration.
    • The restoration
      Depending on the individual needs and the dentist’s recommendations, this component can be a porcelain crown, denture, or bridge.

    Types of dental implants
    The following are a few popular types of dental implants one may come across:

    • Endosteal implants
      These are the most common type of dental implants consisting of titanium screws or cylinders placed into the jawbone with the help of a surgery. Once the surgery is successful and the implants have integrated with the bone properly, the teeth can be attached to these implants. Endosteal implants are usually recommended for individuals with good bone density and volume.
    • Subperiosteal implants
      This is an alternative procedure for those who do not have the required bone density and volume for endosteal implants. Here, the titanium screw or cylinder is placed on top of the jawbone (instead of into it), right below the gum tissue. A metal framework keeps this implant in place and supports artificial teeth attached to it.
    • All-on-4 implants
      This unique implant is used when individuals lose many teeth due to substantial tooth decay, accidents, or other reasons. Here, just four main implants support an entire arch of teeth. All-on-4 implants form a secure foundation for new teeth to be attached and improve teeth functionality, which benefits many patients.
    • Zygomatic implants
      This implant is specifically for those with excessive bone loss in the upper jaw. In such cases, the implant cannot be installed in the maxillary bone, as usual, and can only be affixed in the zygoma or the cheekbone. No bone grafting procedure is needed for zygomatic implants, making them a preferred option for many.
    • Mini dental implants
      When choosing an implant, dentists measure the space between two teeth. If the distance is less, mini dental implants may be recommended as they have a smaller diameter than traditional implants. This kind of procedure is best when there is a need for a single crown.
    • Immediate load implants
      These kinds of implants are also known as single-day implants or teeth-in-a-day implants. Usually, patients have to wait for some time before restoration takes place after the implant surgery, but with this quick fix, one can get restoration the same day.

    The best implant for a person will depend on their oral health and how much stress their bone structure can support at the time of the diagnosis. So, it is vital to do a detailed analysis and diagnosis before committing to a dental procedure.

    Benefits of dental implants
    There are several benefits to getting dental implants. Here are a few of them to explore:

    • Last for a long time
      A dental implant can last for a long time or even a lifetime. Since it is made from titanium and integrates with the jawbone, it turns into healthy teeth roots. It is non-toxic and hence does not get rejected by the body, making it completely safe and healthy.
    • Prevent bone loss
      Missing teeth can cause an empty space in the jaw, which can widen due to a lack of stimulation to the bone. When implants are placed, they fill up and integrate into the bone, preventing further bone deterioration.
    • Keep adjacent teeth stable
      A gap between two teeth can cause the teeth to shift towards the empty space, leading to crooked teeth. This can also pull the teeth away from their natural position and affect chewing. Dental implants can keep the adjacent teeth in place, preventing these problems.
    • Reduce the risk of gum disease
      The risk of gum disease and infection increases when there is a gap in the teeth. This is because the gap can trap food particles, accumulating bacteria in the mouth.

    Individuals suffering from missing teeth should speak to a dentist about the best treatment plan for them. The dentist can recommend a suitable type of dental implant to make chewing easier and lessen discomfort. The expert can also suggest tips to maintain the implant and prevent tooth problems in the future. However, it is important to note that dental implants are not the only solution to lost teeth. In some cases, the dentist may recommend using removable dentures or other alternatives.

  • Health and Fitness
    Chronic migraines – Causes, symptoms, and management options

    Chronic migraine is a condition where the affected person experiences at least 15 headache days a month. It is observed that at least 8 out of these 15 days are migraine headaches with severe symptoms, and this pattern of discomfort remains consistent for 3 months. Initially, it may not be a frequently occurring episode, however, with time, the episodes may get regular with chronic headaches. If left untreated, this condition can affect a person’s life.

    Several factors determine the onset of this kind of migraine. One of them includes a steady increase in the frequency of episodic headaches. Over-the-counter treatment options that are used to treat frequent headaches stop affecting over time, leading to side effects that develop into chronic headaches. Some other factors that can put an individual at a high risk of developing this condition include mood disorders like anxiety or depression, snoring, excessive caffeine intake, ongoing disturbed sleep patterns, and a history of stressful life events causing emotional or physical trauma. An unhealthy lifestyle leading to an increase in the body mass index (BMI) can also be a causal factor. 

    There is no difference between symptoms of chronic migraines and episodic migraines. However, the only thing to notice is the increased frequency of episodic headaches in a month. Some typical symptoms of this illness can be observed for timely diagnosis and treatment.

    • Headaches ranging from moderate to severe intensity worsen with any physical movements or activities
    • Throbbing or a pressured pain
    • Experiencing this kind of pain on one or both sides of the head
    • Feeling nauseated
    • Feeling dizzy
    • Experiencing sensitivity toward sounds, smells, and light

    Transitioning symptoms (episodic to chronic migraines)

    • Noting an increase in the number of headaches or migraine attacks 
    • Using prescription options to manage the headaches

    A health professional will take a look at the affected person’s health history. If needed, the doctor may ask questions that help understand the migraine patterns. The questions include how and when the migraines begin, how long they last, are there any notable physical factors or triggers that worsen the condition, and where the location of the pain is. 

    The professional may also ask for a detailed history of other health conditions like anxiety, depression, lifestyle choices that may trigger these headaches, any treatment options used, and possible side effects that could be factored into the diagnosis. Based on the results, appropriate treatment methods will be advised and implemented.

    Treatment options
    Most of the treatment methods focus on managing the symptoms, the migraine attacks, and reducing the episodes and pain. 

    One of the treatment therapies includes focusing on lifestyle changes.

    • Focusing on maintaining a healthy BMI level
    • Introducing doctor-recommended exercises in the fitness routine
    • Following a structured and sustainable meal plan to eliminate triggers of migraine (Please note fasting and skipping meals can trigger headaches)
    • Learning calming techniques like yoga, meditation, and breathing exercises to control stress
    • Staying well hydrated
    • Fixing an improper sleep schedule (7 to 8 hours of rest is recommended)
    • Starting appropriate treatment for any existing health conditions like mood disorders, anxiety, and depression

    Some other treatment options for managing migraine attacks include:

    • Treating mild migraines with the right dosage, as recommended by the doctor
    • Treating potential side effects like nausea with recommended options 

    Other techniques include:

    • Transcranial magnetic stimulation
      This non-invasive technique makes use of a magnetic coil to stimulate or influence the brain’s electrical activity, which can help reduce the pain caused by migraines.
    • Transcutaneous supraorbital nerve stimulation
      This technique uses a device that activates low-level electrical current to stimulate the upper branches of the trigeminal nerve, which is responsible for communicating pain to the body. This method helps reduce the pain associated with migraines.

    Also, maintain a headache diary and note down the possible triggers and the number of migraine attacks in a month. If there’s a notable increase in the attacks, consult a doctor at the earliest. Knowing the triggers can help the doctor chalk out an effective treatment plan.

    Preventive treatments and methods
    Apart from treatment options that help manage the symptoms, there are preventive treatment methods that reduce the episodes of these headaches to a certain extent. These include using beta blockers and other therapies. One such treatment method also includes using an Allergan product named BOTOX®, which doctors recommend for those 18 years and older. The intravenous treatment method is administered around the neck or the head, where the migraine pain usually affects the person. This ten-minute procedure is not painful and can prevent headaches for three months. The procedure takes place in a doctor’s clinic under close supervision. 

    Chronic migraine can be painful and disrupt everyday life activities, so choosing the right treatment plan is crucial. Get all the information from a licensed health professional and seek the best possible treatment plan according to a detailed diagnosis. 

  • Fitness
    5 easy at-home exercises to try

    Exercising is a treasure trove, making one achieve optimum health, among other benefits. With daily exercise, one can also expect better concentration and a massive energy boost to last throughout the day. The best part? One does not have to pay for a gym membership to access these benefits. Workouts can be simple and highly effective, even when done at home. So, here are some easy at-home exercises one can add to their daily routine:

    Squats boost one’s core strength and lower body flexibility. One can start by standing straight, with the feet slightly apart. Then, they will need to brace their core and bend their knees as if they were sitting on an imaginary chair. While bending down, the chest and chin must be up, and the hips must be pushed back. The knees must not be outward or inward, and the thighs must be parallel to the ground. After holding this pose for a second, one can rise and repeat.

    Dumbbell rows
    Useful for the back and other upper body muscles, this exercise involves holding a 10-pound dumbbell in each hand and bending forward at the waist, with the back at a 45-degree angle with the ground. The back and neck should be straight as an arrow, and the arms should hang down. Then, one can gently pull the dumbbells up by bending one elbow and stopping just below the chest. One can follow the same steps on the other hand and alternate between the two.

    Planks help tone the abdominal muscles and stabilize the abs without straining the back. Here, one should first plant their toes and hands on the floor while keeping their back straight, parallel to the ground, and their abdomen tight. For beginners, the plank position should be held for 20 seconds, with each subsequent one held for longer durations as the strength increases.

    Push-ups strengthen the chest, triceps, shoulders, and core trunk muscles. First, one should get down on all fours and place their hands slightly wider than shoulder-width apart. After straightening the arms and legs, they can lower their body until their chest almost touches the ground before lifting themselves back up.

    Walking helps burn calories, strengthen the heart, and improve blood flow. Gentle walking or rapid, brisk walking can be great warm-up exercises as well.

  • Fitness
    10 Cyber Monday fitness tracker deals to watch out for

    Whether you want to buy a fitness tracker for yourself or to give it as a gift to someone close to you, pick one up during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales. These sale would help you find the best one with the most features at an affordable price. Here’s a list of the discounts on fitness trackers that were available on Cyber Monday last year, so you know what to look forward to this year.

    Fitbit Charge 5

    This fitness tracker is one of the best on the market. It is water resistant and has a battery life that can last up to a week. It also has a GPS and various health sensors. It is lightweight, which makes it easy to wear, and you can easily read the information you want from it even in direct sunlight. On Cyber Monday, this device was available for around $130 on Amazon.

    Garmin Instinct Solar

    You could get $150 off this fitness tracker on Cyber Monday last year if you bought it at BestBuy. This device gets its power from the sun, and hence, you never have to worry about the battery running out. The Garmin Instinct Solar has an amazing GPS feature and provides you with the necessary notifications you might need when on the go.

    Amazfit Band 5

    You could find these Amazon-brand fitness trackers at discounted prices last year on Cyber Monday. Among them is this device the can measure blood oxygen levels and monitor the heart rate. The Amazfit Band 5 is compatible with Alexa and has a 1.1-inch easy-to-read AMOLED display. Ut was priced at just $30 during the mega sales event, which was probably one of the most affordable.

    TicWatch GTH

    Combing the features of both a smartwatch and a fitness tracker is this device that was available on Amazon at a low price. This device has long battery life with plenty of health tracking features, including a skin temperature sensor.

    Fitbit Luxe

    Despite the Fitbit Luxe’s original price of nearly $150, this device was available on Amazon, Best Buy, and the brand website at less than $100. It has many functions and is sleek and stylish enough to pass off as a smartwatch. Look for a price drop this year too.

    Gramin Vivosmart

    Another device that saw its price drop to less than $100 on Best Buy and Amazon was this done. Although it does have a step tracker, sleep tracker, and heart rate monitor, it lacks GPS. Moreover, some users might find the screen a tad small.

    Xiaomi Mi Band 6

    This band is great for those just starting on their fitness journey. It is simple and easy to use and has excellent features, including water resistance and long battery life. It was available at quite a reasonable price last year, and the same is expected this year too.

    Apple Watch Series 5

    This watch is water resistant which makes it good for those that love swimming. It also has a built-in GPS, which is perfect for running, hiking, and walking. It was available on Amazon for just around $460, the original price was about $750.

    Fitbit Versa 2
    This tracker is one of the most popular wearables and with good reason. It not only tracks your fitness and health but can also give you news, information, and more by connecting to Alexa. You can also easily control your smart home devices.

    Fitbit Ace 3

    This can be a good choice if you’re trying to encourage your child to be healthier. It can not only be used to track sleep and activity but also remind them of chores that need to be done. It might be available for about $30 on Cyber Monday.

    Fitness trackers can make the perfect gifts for the holiday season. So ensure that you don’t miss out on any of the deals and discounts that are offered on Cyber Monday.

  • Fitness
    Fitness trackers – 10 best Black Friday deals

    A fitness tracker will be on many Black Friday shopping lists this year. While it is on November 25, multiple deals are expected to pop up from early September to late October. Whatever your fitness mantra, high-tech fitness trackers can help you achieve your goals. And getting them at a discounted price is the cherry on the cake! Let’s check out some amazing Black Friday fitness tracker deals for the year 2022.

    Fitbit Versa 3
    Continuous heart-rate monitoring, SpO2, support for NFC payments, a microphone for taking phone calls, and Google/Alexa assistance are some of the many incredible features offered by this tracker. Plus, unlike its previous variants, Versa 3 provides a built-in GPS for navigation. During the sale season, you might also find it priced under $200.

    Fitbit Charge 5
    Fitbit Charge 5 delivers many upgrades to cater to your needs. Many online platforms offer it for under $150 for a limited period. Its features, like the bright OLED screen, electrodermal activity sensors, contactless payments, notifications, sleep tracking, heart monitoring, and timers, make it one of the most highly dependable fitness trackers.

    Garmin FENIX 7 Series
    A week’s worth of battery, topographical maps, touch screen, military-grade standard, up to 10 ATM water resistance, insightful training guides and programs, solar charging, and astonishing real-time stamina feature are the traits that make the 7 series an absolute hit. This series starts at $699.99, but you can get it for better deals during the Black Friday sale.

    Apple Watch SE
    Built-in GPS, cellular activity, contactless payments, and fall detection are the noteworthy features this watch provides for a sale price under $279. However, this mid-tier watch lacks features like EKG, always-on display, and SpO2. But it still offers abnormal heart rate alerts to keep your health in check.

    Samsung Galaxy Watch 4
    If you are a Samsung phone owner, purchasing this watch for full-fledged fitness tracking is a decision you won’t regret. The Galaxy Watch 4 also provides a 3-in-1 sensor for body composition analysis and its upgraded sleep tracking system. During the sale season, you can get this stunning fitness tracker watch for under $250.

    Amazfit Bip S
    This tracker might not be glamorous, but it does have many engaging features you wouldn’t expect for a price under $100. For instance, sleep tracking, heart-rate monitoring, two weeks of battery life, and always-on display. You can enjoy features like editing watch faces, receiving notifications, and controlling music.

    Oura Ring Gen 3
    As the name suggests, Oura Ring isn’t worn on the wrist but a finger. Since it doesn’t have a screen, it cannot provide notifications. However, it can still offer a range of features like heart-rate monitoring, period predictions, and SpO2. This tracker can be purchased for under $300 during the holiday sale.

    Garmin Vivo Move Sport
    Your search for hybrid analog fitness trackers has ended, as Garmin Vivo Move Sport is exactly the tracker you were looking for. Unlike its other variants, this discreet tracker watch is extremely affordable. For $180, you also get quick access to push notifications and Garmin’s fitness tracking program.

    Mobvoi TicWatch Pro 3 Ultra G
    The latest Qualcomm Snapdragon chip, sturdy structure, in-depth sleep tracking, and many other fitness-focused features make this android tracker your best bet. During the Black Friday sale season, you can get this watch for under $250.

    Whoop 4.0
    For elite athletes needing an in-depth analysis of their sleep and recovery patterns and a flexible design, Whoop 4.0 is the right choice. You can easily track the heart rate, blood oxygen level, skin temperature, and respiratory rate in one view. However, the catch here is that the hardware is free, but you need to pay $30 every month to become a member and access its features.

  • Fitness
    Top 10 Black Friday 2022 fitness equipment deals

    Black Friday is the best day to buy new workout equipment. Many businesses offer deals, discounts, and price drops online that frequently last longer than just that a day. Gone are the days when you had to stand outside a store and race hundreds of frantic buyers to get the best items. Listed below are fitness equipment, right from essentials to expert-level equipment, that you might be able to get at great prices this year.

    Rowing machine

    The LCD monitor with the Sunny Health & Fitness Magnetic Rowing Machine Rower shows time, count, calories, total count, and scan. The easy scan mode shows your progress to help you keep track of all your fitness objectives. You may adjust the eight levels of magnetic resistance with a simple twist, keeping your workout tough and productive. Last year, it was available for a stunningly low price, so definitely keep your eyes on it.


    On the ProForm Pro 5000 smart treadmill, engage in dynamic, high-intensity exercises with top personal trainers in the world. You can turn your treadmill into your personal home exercise center with the complimentary 30-day iFIT subscription. Your treadmill’s pace and slope will automatically adapt to conform to local terrains and trainer recommendations, thanks to Automatic Trainer Control. This holiday season, Best Buy might offer it at $200 off.

    Stationary bike

    The stationary VeloCore exercise bike, which leans left and right as you sprint toward the finish line, will awaken your body and mind. It’s a vigorous diversion that gives you the freedom to move at your own rhythm. You can explore 200+ breathtaking virtual courses at your own pace. At Bowflex.com’s Black Friday sale, you might be able to get it at a more reasonable price.


    Want to begin weight training but are unsure of where to start? Then here’s an option for you. The SelectTech® 552 adjustable dumbbells save you time and space. It is simple to change from one workout to the next with this equipment. This Black Friday, don’t pass up the opportunity to get this on offer.

    Fitness tracker

    The Fitbit Luxe is a stylish fitness and wellness tracker that motivates you to give your body and mind the proper boost. Luxe is a fashionable bracelet with on-wrist tracking, in-app insights, and sophisticated styling. With a Fitbit Premium subscription, the experience is improved even further thanks to personalized insights, in-app exercises, meditations, and other features. At Best Buy, you might be able to save around $30 on it.


    This Black Friday at Best Buy, you could get a 50% discount on the HIIT H14 elliptical trainer. For a total-body, immersive training experience and a tremendous workout that can be achieved from the comfort of your home, this piece of equipment is a great buy. It comes with 26 resistance levels and a 5-inch elliptical path.

    Massage gun

    You can get the deep muscle treatment offered by professionals with this intelligent percussive therapy gadget that is in a class of its own. You can speed up muscle recovery, relieve stress and tension, and reduce discomfort. If you visit the official Therabody website on Black Friday, you might be able to purchase it for $100 less.

    Recovery tool

    The Hypervolt Go 2 helps you to let go of tension and stress by loosening up tense muscles. You can feel refreshed and regain your full range of motion with just a few minutes per day. This Black Friday, you might be able to purchase it for $169 from the official Hyperice website.

    Under desk elliptical

    With this industry-leading, ergonomic micro elliptical, you can exercise while sitting at home or at work. To enhance desk workouts as you build strength, you can vary between eight resistance levels on its smooth gliding action. Additionally, it is quiet enough not to interfere with your work. Buy it at a great discount this holiday season.

    Wave roller

    The Wave roller offers the most potent, effective full-body foam rolling experience by combining vibration treatment and a novel wave texture. With this vibrating foam roller’s Bluetooth® connectivity, you can use the Therabody app to create customized rehabilitation routines that will help you relax and regain. This Black Friday, you might be able to purchase this for an extremely low price.

    If you are planning to convert your garage or any room into a personal gym, then look out for deals and discounts on these and other fitness equipment on Black Friday.

  • Health and Fitness
    All You Need to Know About Tingling Feet

    Do you often wake up with a tingling sensation in the feet?
    A tingling sensation generally refers to a sensory loss in any body part. It is vital not to ignore this warning signal as tingling in the feet could indicate nerve damage.

    Causes of a tingling sensation in the feet
    A tingling sensation in the feet can sometimes be temporary and harmless or could be the result of pressure on the nerves or incorrect posture. However, this “pins and needles” effect on your feet is usually painless, and you can dismiss it as soon as you relieve the pressure which causes it.

    On the other hand, continuous tingling sensations in your extremities, especially the feet, can be the sign of a disease; in fact, it can be severe, episodic, or chronic. Other symptoms such as pain, prickling, burning, electric shocks, itching or numbness can accompany the tingling sensation. In such cases, it is vital to not to take it lightly since it can be a sign of nerve damage, systemic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, heart disease, kidney disorder, liver disease, hormonal imbalance or a connective tissue disorder. Sometimes, some severe infection, autoimmune disease, nerve compression caused by a herniated disc, dislocated bone or vitamin deficiency can cause this symptom.


    It is advisable to take instant medical advice for persistent tingling sensation in the feet or hands or both. The sooner the doctor identifies the primary cause of this symptom, the sooner it can be treated. You are also less likely to suffer any permanent damage.

    Medical experts carry out a physical examination and then conduct extensive blood tests to identify the cause. Other tests that are usually carried out are:

    • Electromyogram commonly referred to as EMG, which tests the electrical activity of the muscle
    • Nerve conduction test
    • Computed tomography (CT) scan
    • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

    Successful treatments for a tingling sensation in feet depends on getting an accurate diagnosis of the underlying cause. If the nerve cells are not damaged, then the tingling will subside over a period of time as the cells are capable of regeneration. If diabetes is the cause for this, then you can control your blood sugar levels through lifestyle changes. Thus, the progression of diabetic neuropathy can slow down significantly. Doctors recommend vitamin supplements to patients who experience this symptom because of vitamin deficiency.
    Additionally, it is vital to follow a healthy lifestyle, eat a balanced diet, abstain from smoking and alcohol consumption. Patients can walk and exercise regularly to avoid such sensations.

  • Health and Fitness
    Tips to Control Diabetes with Apple Cider Vinegar

    Apple cider vinegar (ACV) has a plethora of health benefits. Recent studies have pointed out that this ingredient can be especially beneficial for diabetic patients and help in the effective management of type 2 diabetes.

    Apple cider vinegar is a form of vinegar made from freshly pressed apple juice. The process takes several weeks in which the sugars break down, resulting in the formation of ACV.

    Apple cider vinegar for diabetes control
    ACV is a rich source of probiotics that aid the process of digestion. These probiotics or good bacteria are essential to regulate the functions of the gastrointestinal tract as well as prevent digestive and gastric diseases.

    Absence or shortage of this good bacteria in the intestine can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. Thus, it is acknowledged that apple cider vinegar is one of the best solutions to control diabetes and manage other chronic health conditions.

    Additionally, vinegar contains a combination of chromium and acetic acid which improve insulin sensitivity and help regulate blood sugar levels.

    Tips to control diabetes with apple cider vinegar
    Remember that apple cider vinegar can control diabetes and improve the condition of diabetic patients. Use ACV in the following ways:

    • Add one tablespoon of ACV to your smoothies or juices.
    • Drink a mixture of one teaspoon ACV, one teaspoon honey, and ½ cup water every day.
    • Make a salad with your favorite vegetables and use apple cider vinegar as the salad dressing.
    • Include it as an ingredient for preparing sauces or dips.
    • Add half a teaspoon of baking soda to two tablespoons of ACV. Drink the mixture. To get rid of the sour taste of ACV, suck on orange wedges.
    • Add ACV to your drinking water.
    • Add two tablespoons of ACV to two tablespoons of water. Consume the mixture along with cheese before bedtime.
    • Make sure that you add apple cider vinegar to dishes that do not require heating, as heat destroys the probiotic bacteria.

    How much to take?
    Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar are sufficient for controlling diabetes. It is best to mix this vinegar with something instead of consuming it directly.

    It is important to know that ACV is not a substitute for diabetes medications. Apple cider vinegar can only help control diabetes, not cure it. If you are prone to acidity, be careful before consuming this ingredient. It is best to consult your doctor before taking apple cider vinegar for diabetes control.

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