• Health and Fitness
    Common head injury symptoms in adults and children

    Traumatic head injury symptoms can range from visible physical effects of psychological and behavioral alterations. It is, therefore, important to accurately get diagnosed even if you experience mild, moderate or severe effects. While some head injury symptoms may appear right after the accident, others may develop and appear over a span of a few days. Common head injury symptoms have been listed below.

    Cognitive symptoms
    These are usually mental or psychological symptoms that include memory or concentration issues, mood swings, feelings of depression, and anxiety. Other cognitive head injury symptoms include the inability to speak and process the language, profound mental confusion, difficulty comprehending and thinking, difficulty recognizing routine things, partial amnesia, agitation, slurred speech, coma, and the like.

    Head injury symptoms that cause behavioral changes
    Often certain types of head injuries cause behavioral inconsistencies like abnormal crying or laughter, extreme agitation or aggression, heightened irritability or impulsivity, repetition of words or actions, lack of restraint, and the like.

    Sensory symptoms
    Head injury symptoms also include sensory issues like blurred vision, ringing sensation in the ears, foul taste in the mouth, alterations in the smell, and the like. Many people also complain of sensitivity to light or sound as a common head injury symptom.

    Physical symptoms
    Head injury symptoms are often physical in nature and vary from mild to severe. Some common physical symptoms include a persistent headache, post-traumatic seizures, nerve damage, bleeding, stiff muscles, bruising, bone fracture, and the like. Other common head injury symptoms are listed below.

    • Loss of consciousness
    • Constant nausea or persistent vomiting
    • Fluid draining from ears or nose
    • Finger or toes numbness
    • Inability to wake up from sleep
    • Pupil dilation
    • A state of being dazed or disoriented
    • Extreme fatigue or drowsiness
    • Loss of coordination or balance
    • Sleeplessness or insomnia
    • Extended sleep

    Head injury symptoms in children
    Since children and infants are susceptible to falls, they are at a higher risk of having a head injury. It is, therefore, imperative to pay absolute attention to any head injury in children and get it thoroughly diagnosed. While infants and smaller children may be unable to communicate any cognitive, sensory, or physical symptoms, you can watch out for some common symptoms. Children showing any noticeable changes in eating or nursing habits must be paid heed to. It is important to consult a doctor in case the child is persistently crying or is unable to be consoled after a fall. Unusual behavior, irritability, change in the attention span, alterations in sleeping patterns, loss of interest in favorite toys or activities are other common head injury symptoms in children that should be attended.

  • Health and Fitness
    Here are some major head injury symptoms you must know about

    Concussions, skull fractures, scalp wounds, or any injury to the brain, skull, or scalp can be referred to as head injury. While the severity of a head injury can range from a mild bump to a traumatic brain injury, it is essential that you diagnose the type of injury promptly before carrying out the treatment.

    Head injuries can either be open or closed. An open or penetrating head injury enters the brain by breaking the skull. While a significant injury may not bleed, a minor one may cause excessive bleeding. A trained healthcare professional can quickly gauge the severity of an injury and prescribe appropriate treatment. Different types of head injuries show different head injury symptoms. Here are some head injury symptoms that have been discussed in detail.

    Head injury symptoms in case of hematoma
    A hematoma is a major head injury that is characterized by blood clotting outside the blood vessels. When the damage occurs in the brain, the clotting may cause pressure within the skull. Head injury symptoms experienced in Hematoma include losing consciousness that could result in irreversible brain damage.

    Head injury symptoms in hemorrhage
    Hemorrhage is a type of head injury that causes uncontrolled bleeding. Head injury symptoms that are triggered by a hemorrhage include frequent headaches, a general feeling of nausea, and vomiting.

    Concussion head injury symptoms
    A concussion is a type of brain injury that causes the brain to press against the walls of the skull. Head injury symptoms caused by concussion fall into four main categories namely cognitive issues, physical responses, emotional and mood-related problems, and sleep disorders. Some common symptoms include issues related to thinking and remembering, nausea, vomiting, headache, dizziness, sensitivity to noise or light, low energy, extreme fatigue, sadness, nervousness, anxiety, and the like.

    Diffuse axonal injury symptoms
    This is a type of head injury that does not cause any outwardly bleeding but causes severe damage to the brain cells. When the brain cells are damaged, they are unable to perform properly. Often, this results in swelling that may become fatal if not diagnosed timely.

    Other major head injury symptoms
    Head injury symptoms may also result in seizures, balance and coordination issues, extreme disorientation, inability to focus the eyes, unusual eye movements, memory loss, mood changes, constant headache, discharge of fluid through the nose, loss of muscle control, and the like. Head injury symptoms may often cause people to have blackouts, light-headedness, and fainting.

  • Health and Fitness
    Steps to ensure minimum complications due to a muscle pull injury

    Gorin pain due to a muscle pull or tear can be quite painful. It not only limits your movements but also causes a number of discomforts during the slow recovery period. Groin injuries are most common with athletes and people who are involved in physical activities that require a repetitive action to be performed.

    Medical attention is advised in case of a groin pain if the symptoms are persistent and unable to bear. However, there are a few steps which you can follow to ensure that the injury doesn’t don’t lead to any other complications.

    • You will know immediately if you have pulled a muscle resulting in groin pain, which is why it is imperative to stop all activities and take rest. Most people will try to walk it off in anticipation that the muscle pull might recover, but this will only aggravate the condition and can lead to severe muscle tear as well.
    • Muscle tear will result in long-term damage and restricted mobility which is why it is a good idea to stay put and not make any sudden movements. RICE (rest, ice, compression, elevation) method is the best first aid strategy to provide temporary relief before proper medical treatment can be administered.
    • When the swelling subsides, and the pain seems to be bearable, perform certain gentle stretching exercises to allow the muscle to flex and release the tension. However, this has to be done only after proper ice and compression has been applied to the injury. Visit a physician immediately after a couple of light stretching exercises.
    • Exercises are broadly divided into stretching exercises and strengthening exercises. Stretching mainly includes seated short groin stretch, seated long growing stretch, hip flexor stretch and swinging leg stretch. Strengthening exercises include bent knee adductor, straight leg adductor exercise, hip adduction against gravity and hip adduction with resistance bands. These exercises should be performed under proper supervision at first, and your general physician can guide you through the routine to be then followed at home.
    • There are many over the counter medications for pain relief, however, for more severe injuries surgery is the last option. As they rightly say, prevention is better than cure; you can reduce the chances of pulling your groin muscles by performing warm-up exercises before any heavy workout or sports activity. Preparing your muscles beforehand will ensure a good workout and minimize the risk of any injury for that matter, allowing you to focus on your routine.
  • Health and Fitness
    What not to do to avoid injury during workouts

    Body injuries while hitting the gym is a major concern people have in common. To keep safe, you need to be cautious about some common causes of injury. Here is a list of the gym mistakes you need to avoid for a safe and rewarding workout.

    Some people, in their efforts to achieve their fitness goals fast, end up exerting their body more than their capacity. In comparison to an evenly exerted body, the over-exerted body is more susceptible to injury. Too much of training reduces energy, which obviously retards the progress and performance. Therefore, make sure you provide sound rest to your body after a workout.

    Too much load
    Lifting excessive weight increases the chances of injury. If you are not able to lift a weight while following a correct weight lifting technique, it clearly indicates that the weight you are trying to lift is too heavy for you. An out-of-control dumbbell or barbell can hurt you bad.

    Incorrect technique
    Many people believe that the sole cause of body injury at the gym is weight lifting and speed. However, weight lifting cannot cause harm, if you do it using the right technique and suitable weight lifting equipment such as the Bowflex dumbbells. Remember, if you do not pay attention to the instructions provided by the gym instructor and straightway start lifting heavy weights, there are high chances that you may end up spraining your muscles.

    Inadequate warm up
    Warm up is a prerequisite for preparing the body for a workout, as it increases blood flow to the muscles enhancing their mobility and flexibility. Individuals who skip warm up often end up hurting themselves badly. To ensure something like this doesn’t happen to you, make it a habit to start any form of workout with proper warm up drills.

    Weight range
    It is good to be enthusiastic and eager to achieve fitness goals, but over-enthusiasm sometimes proves harmful. Those yearning for muscular body sometimes ignore the ideal weightlifting range, which is from light to heavy, and lift heavy weights straight away. This is one of the most common causes of injury at the gym. Make sure you start working out with light equipment and then move on to heavy weights with Bowflex adjustable dumbbells.

    Not enough stretching
    Stretching and warm up are two different things. Body stretching is something you should do after a warm up and before and after every workout session. It helps relax and elongate muscles, which improves your body’s performance during the workout and reduces muscles soreness.

    Poor nutrition
    If you start with a heavy training program and you do not eat appropriately, you are more likely to get hurt. Poor nutrition doesn’t allow the body to recover fully, which makes it weak and prone to injuries.

    Simple mistakes that people make at the gym during a workout session often result in body injuries. To keep such unpleasant occurrences at bay, keep these simple yet important things in mind when hitting the gym.

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