• Food and Drink
    A quick look at the base flavors of Nespresso Coffee Capsules

    We are a coffee-drinking nation and every form of the beverage – decaf, regular, expresso, latte, cappuccino, macchiato and ristretto is consumed everyday by millions of us. It’s the first thing we need in the morning and the last (for some) after dessert. Black, with cream, with sugar, no sugar, flavored, each of us has a preference with regard to strength. Nespresso’s taken heed of this and given us a gift in a pod with the Nespresso capsules. Available in the regular Arabica and Robusta capsules, they have some amazing seasonal flavors as well.

    Nespresso capsules are hermetically sealed in a capsule that holds 5-7 gms of coffee – enough for one serving of coffee. They offer five ranges in Ristretto (25ml), Espresso (40 ml), Lungo (110 ml), Decaffeinated (40 ml and 110 ml) or Flavored (40 ml).

    The variations in Nespresso coffee capsules Ristretto range are:
    Ristretto Origin – Made from South and Central American Arabicas, it has toasted flavors with cocoa notes and woody undertones.
    Ristretto Origin India – A blend of the finest Arabicas with a smidgen of Robusta from Southern India, this full-bodied coffee has hints of spices.
    Ristretto Intenso – A strong blend of South and Central American Robustas and Arabicas, the Ristretto Intenso is a full-bodied coffee with a creamy texture and peppery notes.

    The variations in Nespresso coffee capsules Espresso range are:
    Espresso Origin Brazil: A pure Arabica coffee, it has a mild sweet flavor.
    Espresso Leggero: A blend of South American Arabicas and Robusta, it has smooth notes of cocoa and cereal.
    Espresso Forte: Exclusively made from South and Central American Arabicas, it has an intensely roasted balance of espresso and fruity notes.

    The variations of Nespresso coffee capsules Lungo range are:
    Lungo Leggero: Lightly roasted East African, South and Central American Arabicas, with mild notes of jasmine is what makes up this delicious brew.
    Lungo Forte: A complex mix of South and Central American Arabicas, this coffee has heavy roasted notes with a slight hint of fruit.
    Lungo Origin Guatemala: A mix of Arabica and washed Gourmet Robusta coffee, Lungo Origin Guatemala is smooth and well balanced with dry and malty cereal notes.

    The variations of Nespresso coffee capsules in the Decaffeinated range are:
    Espresso Decaffeinato: Dark roasted South American Arabicas with a touch of Robusta enhances the cocoa flavors and roasted cereal undertones of this decaffeinated espresso.
    Lungo Decaffeinato: This is a slightly more complex blend of separately roasted South American and East African Arabicas. It includes toasted cereal and sweet notes with subtle and floral hints of East African Arabicas.

    The variations of Nespresso coffee capsules Flavored range are:
    Espresso Vanilla: This silky-flavored coffee is the result of a base of Espresso Forte, which is a complex and heavily-roasted blend of South and Central American Arabicas and a slightly caramelized aroma of vanilla. Espresso Caramel: On a base of Espresso Forte, this complex and intensely roasted blend made from South and Central American Arabicas has the sweetness of caramel.

  • Food and Drink
    Flavored coffee – Not for the unadventurous

    The world is divided into tea drinkers and coffee drinkers and as far as we know the latter are winning. From ‘studies’ that show that coffee drinkers are more successful and live longer (how did they measure that?) – it looks like they just keep winning. To cater to different tastes and likes – there’s decaf, instant and regular coffee and even these are further divided into flavors that meld beautifully with the natural bitterness of the coffee bean. Whether it’s the mild caramel or the strong cinnamon, the full-bodied mocha or the nutty hazelnut, the festive gingerbread or the on-the-fence mint – there’s something for everyone.

    While these are very common and are available at Starbucks, Gloria Jeans, Dunkin’ Donuts or even the local coffee shop that can whip up a great cup of joe – here are five weird coffee flavors, certainly not for the faint at heart!

    Jack Daniels Coffee
    Teetotalers, steer clear. If you are a coffee lover and love your glass of JD equally, how wonderful does this blend sound? Infused with authentic Jack Daniel’s Tennessee Whiskey, but actually with 0% alcohol, this is an absolute win-win. Available in decaf and regular this sells for $7.95 for a 1.5 oz bag.

    Maple Bacon Coffee
    Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this coffee blends three wonderfully different flavors into one glorious drink. Made and sold by BocaJava, this is one of their most popular blends and retails at $7.99/8 oz.

    Star Wars Vader’s Dark Side Roast Coffee
    You either love Star Wars or you hate it. There’s no grey area here. If you are one who arrives at Comic Con, year after year dressed to kill as Darth Vader, or lazily as a storm trooper, or gorgeously as Princess Leia, this is one coffee you cannot afford to miss. Promising to give you a taste of the dark side, this ‘rich hand roasted coffee’ has a sharp flavor with spicy undertones.

    Taco Coffee by Coffee Am
    If you love Mexican food, this is one you will not be able to resist. Coffee beans mixed with taco spices, topped off with a meaty finish. In no sense of the term is the traditional, but it just might do to curb those midnight taco cravings. Costs $12.49 for a one lb bag.

  • Food and Drink
    3 quick and easy healthy recipes

    Summer is approaching and it is a good time to spend your days playing in the backyard, going on picnics or getting tanned on the beach. Well, that means you get very little time in the kitchen for preparing meals. Here are three easy healthy recipes that, while providing you with nutrition, also are quick to put together. The bonus is, they taste delicious as well!

    Peanut salad

    Ingredients (Serves 6)

    • Boiled peanuts – 4 cups
    • Finely chopped red or white onion – 1/2 cup
    • Finely chopped raw mango – 1 cup
    • Finely chopped tomato – 1 cup
    • Jalapeño pepper – 2 (optional)
    • Finely chopped cilantro – 1 cup
    • Salt and paprika to taste

    This is one of the easiest healthy recipes. Take the boiled peanuts in a large bowl. Add the rest of the ingredients, except the cilantro, one by one on top of the peanuts and toss them gently. After everything is mixed well, scoop them in small cups, garnish with fresh cilantro and serve. Delicious, healthy peanut salad is ready to be enjoyed.

    Burrito bowl

    Ingredients (Serves 6)

    • Cooked rice – 2 cups
    • Romaine lettuce – 2 cups (chopped small)
    • Canned kernel corn – 2 cups (drained and rinsed)
    • Canned black beans – 2 cups (drained and rinsed)
    • Tomatoes – 2 cups (finely chopped)
    • Avocado – 2 cups (finely chopped)
    • Fresh cilantro – 1 cup (finely chopped)
    • Salsa – 2 cups
    • Sour cream – cups
    • Guacamole – 1 cup
    • Lime juice – 1/2 cup
    • Salt to taste

    In a large bowl take all the rice. Then add chopped lettuce, corn kernels, black beans, tomatoes, avocados and finely chopped cilantro one by one and toss these gently. Keep aside.

    In another bowl add the salsa, sour cream, guacamole, lime juice, and salt together and mix well.

    Now combine the contents of both bowls together gently and serve immediately. Fresh, easy-to-prepare, and healthy burrito bowls are ready in a jiffy.

    Chocolate banana pop 

    Ingredients (Serves 6)

    • Ripe bananas cut into 2-inch pieces – 12
    • Sweet chocolate chips – 2 cups
    • Rainbow sprinkles for garnish

    Stick toothpicks into the banana pieces and freeze for about 2 hours. When they are ready to be taken out, heat the chocolate chips in the microwave until they melt and is of smooth consistency. Now dip the frozen banana pieces individually first in the chocolate sauce and then in the rainbow sprinkles. Put this back in the fridge for about 10 minutes and enjoy a healthy dose of cold chocolate banana pop.

  • Food and Drink
    3 healthy and refreshing recipes to try

    Here are a few easy and healthy recipe ideas that are both quick to make and light to digest on hot summer days. With very few ingredients, the preparation of these recipes is a breeze. So go on, enjoy these easy, healthy recipes that are brimming with nutrition and taste heavenly too!

    Greek Cucumber Rolls

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Cucumber – 1 large
    • Tomatoes – 1/2 cup (chopped)
    • Black olives – 1/2 cup (chopped)
    • Hummus – 1/2 cup
    • Feta Cheese – 1/2 cup (crumbled)
    • Lemon – 1 (cut into two)
    • Fresh dill and cilantro – 1/2 cup (chopped finely)

    This is popular among easy and healthy recipes. Slice cucumber into thin flat strips using a vegetable peeler and arrange them in slices of two on a clean tray. Smear the hummus on top of each slice, then toss some feta cheese, black olives and cut tomatoes on each of the cucumber strips. Squeeze a little lemon juice and sprinkle some finely chopped dill and cilantro. Finally, roll the strips, serve the Greek cucumber rolls and see them being gobbled up by the young and old alike!

    Flavorful fettuccine pasta with vegetables 

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Fettuccine pasta – 1/2 lb
    • Olive oil – 3 tbsp
    • Broccoli – 10 florets
    • Pumpkin – 10 diced cubes
    • Mushrooms – 10 (thinly sliced)
    • Garlic cloves – 2 (finely chopped)
    • Shallots – 2 (thinly sliced)
    • Parmesan cheese – 4 tbsp
    • Black pepper (freshly ground)
    • Salt to taste

    Cook the fettuccine pasta according to the directions on the label. In a thick bottomed pan, heat the olive oil and sauté the chopped garlic and shallots. After about a minute or so, add the other vegetables along with salt and toss them gently for a few minutes. The vegetables must cook and be crunchy at the same time. When they are done, add the cooked pasta, Parmesan cheese, and some freshly ground black pepper to it and mix well. Serve this flavorful fettuccine pasta with vegetables for lunch or dinner as a filling, yet light meal.

    Sunshine juice

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Oranges – 6
    • Chilled Water – 2 cups
    • Strawberries – 12
    • Ice cubes – 4

    Squeeze juice from the oranges and blend the strawberries in a juicer. Then in a pitcher, take the orange juice, strawberry juice, and chilled water together and mix well. Refresh yourself with this yummy sunshine juice with ice cubes on a hot day.

  • Food and Drink
    3 popular and easy dip recipes you need to know

    If you are one of those people who relish your tortilla chips, pita bread, crackers or cucumbers and carrot sticks with delectable dips, then here are three easy and healthy dip recipes for you. Simple to make in a jiffy for a romantic dinner for two, or on a game night when all your family and friends come over, these easy dip recipes use ingredients that are commonly available.

    The easy cheesy dip

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Whole wheat flour (or all-purpose flour) – 2 tablespoons
    • Milk – 1 cup
    • Garlic butter (or plain butter) – 1 stick
    • Salt – to taste
    • Cayenne pepper – a pinch (more if you like it spicy)
    • And of course, some Cheddar cheese, preferably the sharp kind – 2 cups (shredded)

    In a saucepan melt the butter over medium heat. Add the flour and roast for about a minute or until it turns light brown. Pour half the milk and continue stirring to avoid lumps. Once this mixture thickens, slowly add the rest of the milk and continue stirring for about two minutes. Next, simmer the heat to a low setting and add cheddar cheese, salt, and cayenne pepper to the sauce. Stir until the cheese melts and switch off the stove. Voila! Your easy cheesy dip is ready to be enjoyed with hot French fries, pretzels or even baby carrots.

    Fresh zesty salsa

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Tomatoes – 3 cups (roughly chopped)
    • Onion (red or white) – 1/2 cup (roughly chopped)
    • Garlic – 2 pods (finely chopped)
    • Jalapeño pepper – 1
    • Cumin – 1/2 tsp
    • Fresh cilantro – 1/2 cup
    • Fresh lime juice – 2 tbsp
    • Salt to taste

    Add all the ingredients listed above to a food processor and blend in a quick setting for about half a minute. Transfer the contents to a clean bowl and serve this healthy super easy dip with some grilled corn or baked sweet potatoes.

    Cucumber yogurt dip

    Ingredients (Serves 2)

    • Thick plain yoghurt – 2 cups
    • Cucumber – 1 cup (finely diced)
    • Garlic – 2 pods (crushed)
    • Fresh dill – 2 tbsp (cut finely)
    • Jalapeño pepper – 1 tsp (diced)
    • Salt to taste

    Combine all the ingredients in a bowl and mix gently to make a creamy texture. Serve chilled with crispy kale chips or fresh stalks of celery.

    Aren’t these the perfect easy dip recipes for all the deliciously tempting appetizers and snacks you crave? What are you waiting for? Try these easy dip recipes them out now!

  • Food and Drink
    3 delectable dip recipes to try

    If you are looking for some easy-to-prepare and tasty dip recipes, you are at the right place. Here are some easy dip recipes for you to try this summer. Although these are easy dip recipes, the outcome would be delicious and these dips could be paired with a range of food items.

    Warm spinach dip


    • Finely chopped spinach
    • Finely chopped shallots
    • Cream cheese
    • Butter
    • Fresh cream
    • Salt and paprika to taste

    On medium heat, melt the butter and sauté the shallots. After it softens, add the spinach, cream cheese, salt and paprika to it and cook for about 10 minutes. Add rich fresh cream towards the end of the cooking time and serve the spinach dip warm with toasted French breads or crunchy raw bell peppers and carrots.

    Chunky eggplant dip


    • Eggplants
    • Extra virgin olive oil
    • Roasted tahini paste
    • Garlic cloves (finely chopped)
    • Cumin powder
    • Lemon juice
    • Salt and cayenne pepper to taste
    • Cilantro (finely chopped)

    Poke tiny holes in the eggplants and rub the outer skin with extra virgin olive oil. Preheat the grill and over high heat, roast the oil coated eggplants till they are charred. Keep them aside and let them cool. Then, in a large bowl, mash the cooled eggplants well with a fork. Combine this now with olive oil, roasted tahini paste, finely chopped garlic, cumin powder, lemon juice, salt, a pinch of cayenne pepper and fresh cilantro. Mix everything well, but do let some of the eggplant remain chunky. Serve the eggplant dip with warm pita bread or chips.

    Simple lemon artichoke dip


    • Canned artichokes
    • Garlic (minced)
    • Cream cheese
    • Parmesan cheese (grated)
    • Lemon juice
    • Fresh parsley (finely chopped)

    Combine all the ingredients except the parsley in a food processor and run it on a quick setting for less than a minute. Do not make it a smooth paste. Transfer the contents to a clean bowl and garnish the dip with chopped parsley. Serve this easy-to-prepare lemon artichoke dip with crispy crostini or grilled vegetables.

    Although the ingredients used in these easy these dip recipes are common, just remember, they are heavenly to taste! Children and adults alike would enjoy these savory dips when served with anything from corn or potato chips to bread to raw or grilled vegetables.

  • Food and Drink
    Top ranked restaurant chains in the country

    If you are a food lover, you should definitely try out new places that offer different cuisines. Some restaurants are classic with high-quality services, while some are new to the industry but are equally popular. Here is a list of the top 10 chain restaurants that you should go.

    Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar
    Also known as BW3. Once you are here, you can enjoy three things and that is wings, beer, and sports. The chain is famous for its buffalo-style wings.

    Applebee’s Neighborhood Grill & Bar
    This is an all-American eatery famous for its comfort fare that is tasty and well presented. The chain scores well on a speed of service. It is also distinguished for its ‘green’ practices.

    Texas Roadhouse
    It is a popular restaurant chain with a cult following. It scores high on all points of food, service, and ambiance. It offers value for every dollar spent here. The steak and ribs joint would leave you yearning for more.

    Cracker Barrel Old Country Store
    The brand boasts of an image synonymous with home-style American cooking and country cuisine. But Barrel also offers healthy choices. The popular chain scores high on cleanliness and its great atmosphere are kid-friendly too.

    Olive Garden
    This is a surprising favorite of the millennial generation also, which is otherwise wary of dining chains. It offers value for every dollar spent and the all-favorite breadsticks are a must-have.

    P.F. Chang’s Bistro
    Headquartered in Arizona, this restaurant chain is famous for lettuce wraps and dim sum. The entire menu revolves around utilizing fresh ingredients and is made to order.

    Longhorn Steakhouse
    The first LongHorn opened way back in 1981. The chain has come a long way since then. It is owned by the parent company, which also owns Olive Garden and Yard House. The dining chain is famous for its considerable selection of steak and margarita.

    TGI Friday’s
    The chain is popular among the young crowd for its energetic atmosphere and buzzing bars. The upbeat chain counts well on friendly, efficient service, and accommodating kids as well.

    The Cheesecake Factory
    A famous and favorite chain of many foodies, The Cheesecake Factory offers extensive and calorie-rich menu. It keeps launching enticing new versions of top-ranking dishes like Celebration Cheesecake. This place has the best service and atmosphere as well.

    This restaurant has been designed to resemble an open-air Mexican courtyard. All dishes are turned out fresh as the chain serves Mexican and Tex-Mex cuisine. On offer are fajitas, burritos, and margaritas.

  • Food and Drink
    10 best Michelin star restaurants in the country

    Michelin stars are what every gourmet chef worth his salt desires for. They are the Oscars of the restaurant world. The first Michelin Red Guide was released in 1900 and for a long time, all the Michelin star restaurants were found in France and some cities of Europe. Since then, it has surfed across the Atlantic to review the fine dining options in the country. Michelin stars are ranked as three stars for excellent cuisine, two stars for great cuisine, and one star is for a good restaurant. Here is a list of the best Michelin star restaurants in the country.

    Chef’s Table at Brooklyn FareLocated in the annex of an upmarket grocery store, it is an unlikely housing for one of the best Michelin restaurants. It takes weeks to book a place in advance at this restaurant and to savor the cooking of over 20 plus course-tasting menu.

    • Eleven Madison Park
      An iconic setting, outstanding hospitality, and exquisite food to match make Eleven Madison Park a celebrated restaurant in New York.
    • Jean Georges
      This is a culinary history in motion when the exquisite dishes are crafted with a blend of the finest ingredients in this Michelin star restaurant in New York.
    • Le Bernardin
      An ultimate destination in New York for seafood lovers, the menu here is full of refined dishes that have a fusion of French and Asian delicacies.
    • Masa
      Glorious elegance is sure to wow you in this high-end Japanese restaurant in New York. On the menu is sushi in modern elegant settings.
    • Per Se
      This is the best dining place for a French fine-dining experience, located right in the heart of New York. It is a journey in haute cuisine.
    • Benu
      Each dish seems to be breathtaking and full of imagination at this three-star Michelin restaurant located in San Fransisco.
    • The French Laundry
      For a gourmet meal to remember, head towards The French Laundry in California. The standards of hospitality are exceptionally high.
    • Manresa
      A welcoming and sassy restaurant in Bay Area, it is welcomingly hospitable. The excellent menu is inspired by seasonal ingredients.
    • Saison
      The concerted efforts for an eye on detail and impeccable attention to all aspects are what makes this restaurant stand apart in San Francisco.
    • Alinea
      Stationed in Chicago, the restaurant divulges the thin line between food and art. It is not a restaurant in the conventional sense as it touches and raises your artistic sensibilities.

    Some other equally renowned Michelin restaurants include Grace, Quince, and The Restaurant at Meadowood.

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