Food and Drink
3 delicious varieties of oatmeal raisin cookies

Cookies are one of the most popular comfort foods; a cross between biscuits and cakes, cookies are the most versatile desserts. You can make cookies with many flavors: chocolate, oatmeal, raisins, coconut, peanut butter, nutty. Mostly flour-based, nowadays you will find cookies made with ingredients other flour for people who are health conscious.

Oatmeal raisin cookies are one of the healthier options of cookies you can find. With the crunchiness of oatmeal and the soft chewiness of raisins, these cookie pack in a nutritious punch with the high fiber content of oats. The classic oatmeal raisin cookies recipe can be tweaked around to suit your taste buds. Here are 3 different oatmeal raisin cookies recipes to satiate your sweet cravings:

  • Brown sugar oatmeal cookies: This oatmeal raisin cookies recipe requires 1 ¾ cups of packed brown sugar and 1 cup of softened butter or margarine to be beaten in a bowl until you get a fluffy and light consistency. To this, add 2 eggs and one teaspoon of vanilla and blend everything together. Then beat in 1 teaspoon baking powder, 1 cup each of all-purpose flour and wheat flour and 3 cups of old-fashioned oats. Add some roasted raisins and place small flat balls of the dough on ungreased cookie sheets. Bake for 12 to 14 minutes in an oven preheated to 350F.
  • Tropical oatmeal cookies: This is one of the best nuts-based oatmeal raisin cookies recipes. You will need 3.25 oz. of macadamia nuts (coarsely chopped) and 7 oz. of dried tropical fruits and raisins (diced). In a bowl, mix together ¾ cup each of packed brown sugar, normal sugar, and butter until the mixture is light and fluffy. Add to this, 2 eggs, 1 teaspoon each of vanilla and baking soda, 2 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour, 2 cups of rolled oats, 1 cup of coconut and the nuts and dried fruits. Place small flat balls of the dough on ungreased cookie sheets and bake at 375F until the cookies turn light golden brown. Make sure to preheat the oven at 375F.
  • Nutella oatmeal raisin cookies: This is one of those oatmeal raisin cookies recipes that do not require any baking. The ingredients required are as follows: 2 cups of sugar, ½ cup milk, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 teaspoon of vanilla, ¾ cup of Nutella, 2 cups of old-fashioned oats and a handful of roasted raisins. Heat the butter, sugar, and milk over medium heat and boil for one minute. Remove it from the heat and add vanilla, oats, raisins, and Nutella. On to a cookie sheet, place flat dollops of the mixture and cool it for 15 minutes.
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